Word List


207 語中 1~50番目 / 次 »

問題 解答 出題数 習得度 苦手度
[intend] [to] live in America -つもりだ - - -
[make] an [excuse] to leave early いいわけ - - -
a [striking] contrast いちじるしい - - -
[prompt] him to speak うながす - - -
the [prey] of the lion えじき - - -
a [substantial] number of people おおくの - - -
a [rough] sketch おおざっぱな - - -
[largely] because of the problem おもに - - -
[approximately] 10,000 years ago およそ - - -
[wonder] where he has gone かと/思:おも/う - - -
spend [considerable] time かなりの - - -
[barely] survive the war かろうじて/ - - -
I [am] [inclined] [to] believe him きがする - - -
I [bet] you'll win きっと-と/思:おも/う - - -
an [awkward] silence きまずい - - -
be [alarmed] by the noise ぎょっとする - - -
[freeze] to death こごえる - - -
Don't [cheat] on your taxes! ごまかす - - -
a [refreshing] drink さわやかな - - -
[be] [reluctant] [to] talk about the past したがらない - - -
The Soviet Union [ceased] [to] exist しなくなった - - -
a [frequently] used word しばしば - - -
their [relative]s and friends しんせき - - -
an [intimate] relationship しんみつな - - -
leave [immediately] after lunch すぐに - - -
without the [slight]est doubt すこしの - - -
the brain's [remarkable] ability すばらしい - - -
His success [is] [attributed] [to] luck せいだとされる - - -
[be] [obliged] [to] pay taxes せざるをえない - - -
lead a life of [luxury] ぜいたく - - -
Soon [afterwards], he left その/後:ご/ - - -
She was cooking. [Meanwhile], I was drinking そのあいだ - - -
You're an adult, so act [accordingly] それ/相応:そうおう/に - - -
He is rich; [nevertheless] he is unhappy それにもかかわらず - - -
[numerous] species of birds たくさんの - - -
She is very [fond] [of] reading だいすきだ - - -
The British say "lift," [whereas] Americans say "elevator" だが/一方:いっぽう/ - - -
a [minor] problem ちいさい - - -
[precisely] at noon ちょうど - - -
He [eventually] became President ついに - - -
[strength] and weakness つよさ - - -
[suspect] him of being a spy ではないかと/疑:うたが/う - - -
[assert] [that] it is impossible と/主張:しゅちょう/する - - -
a [tremendous] amount of energy とてつもない - - -
I'm [thrilled] to hear your voice とてもうれしい - - -
[Somehow] I feel lonely なぜか - - -
a man of [extraordinary] talent なみはずれた - - -
become [accustomed] [to] driv[ing] なれる - - -
[invade] Poland に/侵入:しんにゅう/する - - -
[encounter] many difficulties に/出会:であ/う - - -

207 語中 1~50番目 / 次 »
