Word List


207 語中 1~50番目 / 次 »

問題 解答 出題数 習得度 苦手度
[take] [a] [nap] in the afternoon うたたね - - -
a seasonal [transition] うつりかわり - - -
do a [good] [deed] a day おこない - - -
the group [comprise]s ten members から/構成:こうせい/される - - -
a positive [outlook] [on] life かんがえかた - - -
[conceive] [of] life [as] a game かんがえる - - -
[celebrate] their [wedding] [anniversary] きねんび - - -
my monthly [allowance] こづかい - - -
an old Chinese [proverb] ことわざ - - -
Chinese children work harder than [their] Japanese [counterpart]s こども - - -
[be] [tempted] [to] call her したくなる - - -
a farmer with his [plow] すき - - -
[render] water undrinkable する - - -
[drift] like a cloud ただよう - - -
[catch] [a] [glimpse] [of] fer face ちらり - - -
He is [presumed] dead と/推定:すいてい/される - - -
[contradict] what he said と/矛盾:むじゅん/する - - -
Circumstances [dictate] that I do so と/要求:ようきゅう/する - - -
live in an [enclosed] space とざされた - - -
[be] [confined] [to] a small room とじこめられる - - -
war without [mercy] なさけようしゃ - - -
Speech [precede]s writing に/先行:せんこう/する - - -
[humiliate] him before his friends に/恥:はじ/をかかせる - - -
[refine] techniques に/磨:みが/きをかける - - -
[resent] being called foreigners に/腹:はら/を/立:た/てる - - -
[violate] the law に/違反:いはん/する - - -
[hatred] of foreigners にくしみ - - -
[tackle] environmental problems にとりくむ - - -
[surpass] the US in technology にまさる - - -
[penetrate] deep into the jungle はいりこむ - - -
[crawl] into bed はって/進:すす/む - - -
his [formula] [for] success ひけつ - - -
[indulge] [in] drinking ふける - - -
[bump] [into] someone ぶつかる - - -
Thank you for the [compliment] ほめことば - - -
This house is a [bargain] ほりだしもの - - -
the long and [winding] road まがりくねった - - -
[frown] [on] smoking まゆをひそめる - - -
a [souvenir] shop in Hong Kong みやげもの - - -
receive a warm [reception] もてなし - - -
Drinking is his [curse] わざわいのもと - - -
[suspend] the project を/中止:ちゅうし/する - - -
[advocate] peace を/主張:しゅちょう/する - - -
[anticipate] the future を/予想:よそう/する - - -
[mold] plastic products を/作:つく/る - - -
[revise] the plan を/修正:しゅうせい/する - - -
[mend] the roof を/修理:しゅうり/する - - -
[install] computers [in] classrooms を/備:そな/えつける - - -
accurately [reproduce] the sound を/再生:さいせい/する - - -
[resume] normal activities を/再開:さいかい/する - - -

207 語中 1~50番目 / 次 »
