Word List


207 語中 1~50番目 / 次 »

問題 解答 出題数 習得度 苦手度
write [prose] and poetry 散文:さんぶん/ - - -
win by a wide [margin] 差:さ/ - - -
wear a silk [garment] 衣服:いふく/ - - -
visit some Paris [landmark]s 名所:めいしょ/ - - -
tiny [dust] particles 粒子:りゅうし/ - - -
the world's most [affluent] country 裕福:ゆうふく/な - - -
the world wide AIDS [epidemic] 流行:りゅうこう/ - - -
the smell of [rot]ting fish 腐敗:ふはい/する - - -
the safety of [pedestrian]s 歩行者:ほこうしゃ/ - - -
the risk of [obesity] 肥満:ひまん/ - - -
the old-age [pension] 年金:ねんきん/ - - -
the most [acute] problem 深刻:しんこく/な - - -
the first [chapter] of The Tale of Genji 章:しょう/ - - -
the exchange of body [fluid]s 液:えき/ - - -
the [vocal] organ 発生:はっせい/ - - -
the [tourism] industry in Japan 観光:かんこう/ - - -
the [tomb] of the unknown soldier 墓:はか/ - - -
the [textile] industry 織物:おりもの/ - - -
the [sole] survivor 唯一:ゆいいつ/の - - -
the [metaphor] of the "melting pot" 比喩:ひゆ/ - - -
the [gross] domestic product 総計:そうけい/の - - -
the [grace] of her movements 優雅:ゆうが/さ - - -
the [diagnosis] of disease 診断:しんだん/ - - -
the [deadline] [for] the report 締:し/め/切:き/り - - -
the [bride] and her father 花嫁:はなよめ/ - - -
take [collective] action 集団:しゅうだん/の - - -
take [bold] action 大胆:だいたん/な - - -
survive the [fierce] competition はげしい - - -
spend a [restless] night おちつかない - - -
solve a difficult [equation] 方程式:ほうていしき/ - - -
sit on mother's [lap] ひざ - - -
sit [idle] all day なにもせず/怠惰:たいだ/な - - -
send Japanese [troop]s abroad 軍隊:ぐんたい/ - - -
schools in the [respective] areas それぞれの - - -
prevent [soil] [erosion] 浸食:しんしょく/ - - -
prepare for [subsequent] events 次:つぎ/に/起:お/こる - - -
poor [peasant]s in India 小作農:こさくのう/ - - -
political [corruption] 腐敗:ふはい/ - - -
pay college [tuition] 授業料:じゅぎょうりょう/ - - -
patients in the [ward] 病棟:びょうとう/ - - -
painting and [sculpture] 彫刻:ちょうこく/ - - -
native and [exotic] animals 外来:がいらい/の - - -
military [intervention] [in] Iraq 介入:かいにゅう/ - - -
marry without my parents' [consent] 同意:どうい/ - - -
learn English in [kindergarten] 幼稚園:ようちえん/ - - -
industry and [commerce] 商業:しょうぎょう/ - - -
humans and others [primate]s 霊長類:れいちょうるい/ - - -
his broad [brow] 額:がく/ - - -
her [sincere] efforts 誠実:せいじつ/な - - -
have a [sore] throat 痛:いた/い - - -

207 語中 1~50番目 / 次 »
