Word List


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問題 解答 出題数 習得度 苦手度
[cover] the big news を/報道:ほうどう/する - - -
[respect] the law を/尊重:そんちょう/する - - -
[present] a plan [to] the president を/提示:ていじ/する - - -
[order] a book [from] England を/注文:ちゅうもん/する - - -
[meet] people's needs を/満:み/たす - - -
[save] time and trouble を/省:はぶ/く - - -
[present] Mr. Boyd [to] you を/紹介:しょうかい/する - - -
[leave] an umbrella on the train を/置:お/き/忘:わす/れる - - -
[store] information in a computer を/蓄:たくわ/える - - -
[save] money for a new house を/蓄:たくわ/える - - -
[free] women [from] childcare を/解放:かいほう/する - - -
[state] an opinion を/述:の/べる - - -
[lead] a happy life を/送:おく/る - - -
answer all the question [save] one を/除:のぞ/き - - -
[present] the winner [with] the prize をあたえる - - -
[cause] a lot of trouble をひきおこす - - -
[hold] a meeting をひらく - - -
The insurance [cover]s the cost をまかなう - - -
She has a beautiful [figure] スタイル - - -
[leading] artists 一流:いちりゅう/の - - -
Knowledge is a [form] [of] power 一種:いっしゅ/ - - -
I enjoy your [company] 一緒:いっしょ/にいること - - -
[concern] [about] the future 不安:ふあん/ - - -
A baby requires constant [care] 世話:せわ/ - - -
[attend] to patients 世話:せわ/する - - -
the [content]s of her bag 中身:なかみ/ - - -
make a [case] [for] war 主張:しゅちょう/ - - -
a [major] problem 主要:しゅよう/な - - -
a murder [case] 事件:じけん/ - - -
It is also [the] [case] [with] him 事実:じじつ/ - - -
talented [mind]s 人々:ひとびと/ - - -
science and [the] [humanities] 人文科学:じんぶんかがく/ - - -
historical [figure]s 人物:じんぶつ/ - - -
He's an odd [character] 人物:じんぶつ/ - - -
a [race] problem 人種:じんしゅ/ - - -
the future of [humanity] 人類:じんるい/ - - -
I am [on] good[terms] [with] him 仲:なか/ - - -
keep bad [company] 仲間:なかま/ - - -
Let's take a [rest] 休息:きゅうそく/ - - -
take one month's [leave] 休暇:きゅうか/ - - -
There is no [room] for doubt 余地:よち/ - - -
[work]s of art 作品:さくひん/ - - -
a [sound] body 健全:けんぜん/な - - -
a fault [on] our [part] 側:がわ/ - - -
the Democratic [Party] 党:とう/ - - -
[deal] [with] the problem 処理:しょり/する - - -
the people [present] 出席:しゅっせき/している - - -
[long] [for] world peace 切望:せつぼう/する - - -
wait [in] [line] 列:れつ/ - - -
lend money at high [interest] rates 利子:りし/ - - -

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