Word List


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問題 解答 出題数 習得度 苦手度
[spare] him the trouble を/省:はぶ/く - - -
[stick] out my tongue を/突:つ/き/出:だ/す - - -
[manage] a big company を/経営:けいえい/する - - -
[maintain] health を/維持:いじ/する - - -
[rear] three children を/育:そだ/てる - - -
[conduct] an experiment を/行:おこな/う - - -
The typhoon [struck] Osaka を/襲:おそ/った - - -
The hill [command]s a fine view を/見:み/わたせる - - -
[observe] the comet を/観察:かんさつ/する - - -
[settle] the problem を/解決:かいけつ/する - - -
[charge] a high price を/請求:せいきゅう/する - - -
[drive] the dog [away] を/追:お/う - - -
[appreciate] music を/鑑賞:かんしょう/する - - -
They [all] went out [but] me を/除:のぞ/いて - - -
[command] great respect を/集:あつ/める - - -
[appreciate] his talent を/高:たか/く/評価:ひょうか/する - - -
[trick] him [into] buying the pot をだます - - -
[assume] responsibility をひきうける - - -
[given] the present conditions を考慮:こうりょ/すると - - -
live in a [flat] in London アパート - - -
He was [fired] from his job クビになった - - -
a [trick] for memorizing words コツ - - -
take [note]s on what you hear メモ - - -
There was [not] [a] [soul] there 一人:ひとり/ - - -
prove his [point] 主張:しゅちょう/ - - -
The train is [due] [to] arrive at ten 予定:よてい/だ - - -
take a [break] for a cup of tea 休:やす/み - - -
work for a big [firm] 会社:かいしゃ/ - - -
[manage] [to] catch the train 何:なん/とか - - -
have no [spare] money 余分:よぶん/な - - -
go to the gym to keep [fit] 健康:けんこう/で - - -
a leader of [vision] 先見:せんけん/の/明:めい/ - - -
the freedom of [the] [press] 出版:しゅっぱん/ - - -
New companies will [spring] up there 出現:しゅつげん/ - - -
scientists of many [discipline]s 分野:ぶんや/ - - -
a death [sentence] 判決:はんけつ/ - - -
work for the public [good] 利益:りえき/ - - -
[Vice] President 副:ふく/ - - -
honesty doesn't always [pay] 割:わり/に/合:あ/う - - -
[credit] for the discovery 功績:こうせき/ - - -
a dinner [check] 勘定書:かんじょうがき/ - - -
pay [due] respect 十分:じゅうぶん/な - - -
college [credit]s 単位:たんい/ - - -
Black people [account] [for] 10% of the population 占:し/める - - -
The man [struck] me [as] strange 印象:いんしょう/を/与:あた/えた - - -
This [account]s [for] the failure 原因:げんいん/だ - - -
[object] [to] his drink[ing] 反対:はんたい/する - - -
Radio [yielded] [to] television 取:と/って/代:か/わられた - - -
[succeed] [to] the crown 受:う/け/継:つ/ぐ - - -
feel [pity] [for] the homeless 同情:どうじょう/ - - -

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