Word List


【Interviews on the Street】
People on the street were asked the following survey qruestion: "What characteristic do you admire most in a person?" Here are some of the answers received. Norma Martinez, psychologist: "I think it's showing compassion for others. When I listen to other people's problems, I realize how much people want others to understand their feelings." Paul Robinson, office administrator: "I would say diligence and hard work. A person who is industrious can accomplish so much at the office." Mel Smith, parking attendant: "I like a person who has optimism and looks on the bright side of things. When I'm parking cars, I don't want to hear customers complain too much."【A Color Personality Test】
Hey, I tried this online personality test. The analysis was based on my favorite colors. I was a little skeptical at first, but it was amazingly accurate. Here are my results: 《YOUT SITUATION》 You like activities that provide excitement or stimulation. You want to feel inspired. 《YOUR MAIN STRESSES》 You sometimes experience feelings of emptiness and lineliness. You enjoy competition, but other people may think you are too competitve. You have a tendency to be pessimistic. 《YOUR GOALS》 You believe that life has a lot more to offer. You hope to achieve great things and you pursue your goals fiercely. You seek close relationships in which there is intense love and deep mutual trust. Try it and let me know what you think!

97 語中 1~50番目 / 次 »

問題 解答 出題数 習得度 苦手度
...する傾向がある have a tendency to do..., tend to do... - - -
...に基づいている be based on... - - -
...に驚いている be amazed at... - - -
...の存在を信じる believe in... - - -
がよくわかる;を実現する realize - - -
に敬服する,を賞賛する admire - - -
を作動させる activate - - -
を信じる;と思う believe - - -
を分析する,を検討する analyze - - -
を受ける receive - - -
を感激させる,を奮起させる,を激励する inspire - - -
を成し遂げる,を達成する accomplish - - -
を探し求める,を探求する seek - - -
を特徴づける characterize - - -
を追求する pursue - - -
を運営する,を管理する administrate - - -
を達成する,を勝ち取る achieve - - -
を驚かせる amaze - - -
不信,疑念 disbelief - - -
不平;告訴 complaint - - -
主な,根幹の main - - -
以下の,次の,次に述べる following - - -
信じられない unbelievable - - -
信じられる believable - - -
信仰,信念;確信 belief - - -
傾向,性向 tendency - - -
公務の;公式の official - - -
出場選手;競争相手 competitor - - -
出席者数,出席;付き添い attendance - - -
分析者,アナリスト analyst - - -
分析,検討 analysis - - -
勤勉 diligence - - -
勤勉な diligent - - -
勤勉な(industrialとの違いに注意) industrious - - -
勤勉に,一生懸命に diligently - - -
原因,要因 cause - - -
問題;難題 problem - - -
孤独,寂しさ loneliness - - -
寂しい,孤独の;人気のない lonely - - -
心理学者 psychologist - - -
心理学;心理状態 psychology - - -
心理的に,心理学上 psychologically - - -
思いやりがある compassionate - - -
思いやり,同情 compassion - - -
悲観主義 pessimism - - -
悲観主義の pessimistic - - -
悲観主義者 pessimist - - -
悲観的な pessimistic - - -
感嘆,賞賛,敬愛 admiration - - -
懐疑的な,疑い深い skeptical - - -

97 語中 1~50番目 / 次 »
