Word List

「アドミンの英語 UK版」vol3 -電話対応-

電話の対応は、互いの表情がみえず、聞き取り難いこともあるので難しいですよね。たくさんの決まり文句、よく使われる表現を練習しておくと、聞きとりやすくなりますし、対応中に心の余裕がもてます。3年前はじめて仕事をするときに作ったノートを捨てられずに今ももっていますが、使えばいいのに使っていない表現もあったりします。これをリストにしてみようと思います。It has been a cherished memory.(*⌒ー⌒*)_※適切な例文がみつかりません。ユーザーが例文を新規作成できるテストをしているそうですので、できるようになったら追加していきます。
受話器: (telephone) handset / set / receiver
電話をかけてきた相手: caller
電話する: call / ring / dial / phone, ring up, make a phone call
電話を切る: hang up, ring off
電話をとる: pick up the phone
内線電話: internal phones
外線電話: external phones
内線番号: extension number
外線番号: external number
直通番号: direct number*■会話*
R: Good morning. - - - company. How can I help you?
Caller: I'm Mr P Williams from - - - corporation. Is it possible to speak to someone who deals with - - -?
R: O.K. I'll check for you. Bear with me a second. It won't be long.R: Andy Winters is in charge of this matter. Would you like to speak to him?
C: Yes, please.
R: OK, I'll put you through to him. Hold on.B: Hello, Andy's phone.
R: Is Andy around?
B: No, he's not at his desk at the moment.
R: Do you know where he is?
B: eh... probably in the meeting room, I think.
R: OK, then. No probs. I'll take a message. Thanks. Bye.R: Hello, I'm afraid he's in a meeting at the moment. Can I take a message?
C: Eh... Well, could you please ask him to get back to me as soon as possible. It's quite urgent. I'm out, so I'll give you the mobile number.
R: OK, what's the number, please?
C: It's 077 66612934.
R: Let me just repeat. 077 66612934.
C: That's correct.
R: And You are Mr P William from - - - Company.
C: Yes.
R: OK, I'll tell him. Thanks for calling.
C: OK, thanks a lot! Bye.*■電話をかけるとき*
Is it possible to speak to - - - ?
Could / May I speak to - - - ?
I'd like to speak to - - - ?
Could you get me room number / extension no. - ?
Would you connect me to - / to the department?
I'm returning your call. -折り返しの電話をかけるときにIs there - - - ? ※同僚、友人同士で使う
Is - around / about? (-は、その辺にいませんか?)「~の件で、」
With respect to - - - , 
Concerning - - - ,
regarding - - - ,*■電話を受けるとき*
How can I help (you)?
Can I help you?*■用件をきくとき*
Whom would you like to speak to?
What's regarding / related to ?
May I ask what's regarding?*■相手の情報を得るとき*
Who's calling / speaking, please?
Can I have your name, please?
Can / may I ask who's calling, please?
Who shall I say is calling?
Whom may I say is calling?
Which section / department, please? (どちらへおつなぎしましょうか?)*■相手を待たせるとき*
I'll see if she / he is in.
I'll inquire. Please wait for a while.
I'll check for you. Bear with me a second. It won't be too long.
I'll find out for you. One moment, please.Just a second
Hang on a moment (please)
One moment (please)
Just a moment (please)
Hold on (please)
Hold the line (please)
Would you care to hold?
Would you hold a second (please)?
Could you hang on a minute / a second / just a moment?
Could you hold on (please)?*■転送するとき*
○I'll put you though to - - - .
○I'll put you through to the - - - department.
○Hang on a moment, I'm just putting you through (to her / him).
△I'll connect you with - - - .It's - - - (me) .
Mr / Ms is on the line / phone for you.
I've got - - - on the phone for you.
I've got a phone call from - - - .
I'm holding for - - - .
Can I pass it on to you? (この電話対応をお願いしてもいいですか?)
Can I put her / him through to you? *<用件・概略を伝える>*
It's regarding - - - .*■電話中*
I'm afraid - - - . (申し訳ありませんが、・・・。)
at the moment / right now (ちょうど今)
get hold of - - - . (・・・をつかまえる)*<話中>*
I'm afraid she / he is on another line at the moment.
- - - is on the phone right now.
Her / his line is busy / engaged.*<別件対応中>*
- - - is with his client / customer.
- - - has a visitor.
- - - meeting with a client / customer / visitor.*<不在>*
annual leave: 年次休暇
annual leave with pay: 年次有給休暇
educational leave: 教育休暇 
maternity leave: マタニティー休暇
family leave: 家族休暇
sick leave: 病気休暇
unpaid leave / holiday: 無給休暇
time off in lieu (TOIL): 代休- - - is not at her / his desk.
- - - is not around.
- - - is not in yet. (まだ出勤しておりません)
- - - is just nipped / stepped out.
- - - is off today.
- - - is off sick today. (今日は病欠です)
- - - on her / his dinner. ※カジュアルな表現
- - - out to lunch. ※米ではたぶんout for lunch
- - - is not available / - is not handy. (今電話に出ることができません)
- - - is not able to come to the phone.
- - - is in a meeting.
- - - is out of (the) office / building.
- - - is away on business / on a business trip.
- - - is on holiday.
- - -  is on leave. (休職中です)
- - - has (already) left for the day
- - - has (already) gone home.
- - - won't be back until - o'clock.
- - - is no longer with us. (退職しています)
- - - is off due to compassionate leave. (忌引休暇をいただいてます)
_※階級によって昼食、夕食の呼び方が違っていました。現在もその名残があるようです。労働者階級は昼食をdinner, 夕食(一日のうち一番重い食事)をteaと呼びます。昼食のlunch、夕食のdinnerは、posh、あるいはビジネス的な感じがします。地域によっても異なるようですが・・・。_*<戻る時間を告げる>*
around: ~時頃
- - - ish: ~時頃
※about two pm = 2 ish という表現をよくつかいます。
shortly: すぐに
in half an hour: 30分以内に、30分後にI expect her / him back at / around - - - . (ー時に帰ると思います)
- - - is due to back at (number) ish. (ー時に帰る予定です)
She / He will be back shortly. *<誤って電話を切ってしまったとき>*
I'm sorry you were cut off earlier.*■対応を断るとき*
I'm sorry, you must have the wrong number.
(I'm sorry, I have dialled the wrong number.)
I'm sorry, you've got the wrong number.
I'm afraid you have the wrong number.
I'll give you the number.
I'm sorry. We don't have a person / anybody by that name here.
I'm afraid we are not allowed to - . ~することは認められていない。
I'm afraid I'm not authorized to - . ~する権限がない。
I'm not supposed to - . (上から言われて)~できないことになっている。
I'm afraid I won't be able to make it.
I'm afraid I am not the person in charge. I'll get someone who could help you.
Sorry, we are not covering / dealing with - - - .※「~してあげたいけれど、上から言われて規則なので仕方がない」と言いたい場合はI'm not supposed to - .を使いますが、逃げていると思われることもあります。(^^;*<対応をエスカレーションする>*
I'll get someone who
- - - will speak to you.
Please hold for the next available person.
Is there anyone else who could help you?
Can I pass to her PA?
Can I pass this on to a duty officer?PA=Personal Assistant (役員などの秘書)
Duty officer: 不在中の対応を引き受ける人Would you like to speak to someone else?
I'll get someone who could help you.
When shall I have him / her return your call?
I'm afraid I'm not the person in charge.
I'm afraid there is no one here who can answer your question at the moment.
Shall I put you through to someone in charge?
I'll connect you / put you through.
I'll connect you with - - - .*■伝言を受ける*
Shall / can I take a message?
Would you like to leave a message or would you prefer to call again?*<折り返し電話の依頼を受ける>*
Can I get her / him to call you back?
Shall I have her / him call you back?
Does / will she / he know your number / you?
Could you call again later?*■聞き取れないとき*
最初に、Bear with me, I'm just a starter.(すみません、まだ新米なので)とか、Sorry, my English is not too good. (すみません、英語がまだ足りてないので)と、「相手をイライラさせていることを認識してますよ。」ということを伝えておくと、割合スムーズにいきます。相手だけがわかっていて、聞いている方はさっぱりわからないということがあります。英語ですからなおさらです。そんなときは尋ねるしかないのですが、相手の何がわからないかを伝えることが重要です。全く分からない場合、短い聞き返しの文は極力やさしい口調で言うように心がけています。そうでないと、ケンカを売っていると思われてしまうので・・・(^^;*<相手の話を一旦止める>*
Pardon? / Sorry? 
Sorry / Excuse me / bear with me, (sir/ madam), - - - .
I don't understand.
I'm not with you.
I'm not sure I follow.
I'm lost.
what was that?
what was that last word / number?
I didn't quite catch that last bit.
what does - - - mean?*<相手の声が聞こえない、速度が速すぎるとき>*
Sorry, the line is (very) bad.
Could you speak up a bit / a little, please?
Could you slow down a bit, please?
Could you speak a little more slowly?
Could you say / repeat that again?
Would you say that again, please?*<説明・繰り返しを依頼するとき>*
Sorry, how do you pronounce that?
Sorry, how do you spell that?
Sorry, how do you spell your surname?
Would you mind spelling that for me?
Would you spell your name, please?
Could you spell your name, please?
Did you say B as in boy?
You said your name was - - - , right?
Can / may I have your name again, please?
Which organization / company are you with / from?
Can / may I have your name of your company / organization again, please?*■依頼*
in (number) minutes: ー分以内に、分後にfirst thing tomorrow morning: 明日の朝一に
by the end of - - - : ーまでに
call back: 後でかけなおす*<かけ直しを依頼する>*
Can you call back later?
Could please you try a bit later (, if you don't mind)?
Could please you call back a little later (, if you don't mind)?
Do you mind calling back in - - - minutes?
Would you mind calling again - - - ?
Could you call / try again later?*■伝言を受ける*
Do you have a pen handy? (ペン持ってますか?=メモの用意はいいですか?)*<伝言依頼の質問と回答>*
When do you expect her / him back in the office?
When is she / he due to back?
Could you ask him to call - - - when he gets in?
Would you mind telling her / him that I called?
- - - > No, not at all.
- - - > I'll tell him / her that you called.
- - - > I'll tell him / her get back to you / return your call.
- - - > I'll let him / her know.*<対応を確認する>*
Can / May I have / take your (phone / contact) number (please)?
When shall I have / get her / him return your call?
I'll get / have her / him call you back.
I'll make sure she / he gets the message.
Thank you for calling.
I'll give her / him the message, bye.*<伝言内容を確認する>*
Okay, I've got it all down.
Let me repeat that just to make sure.
Am I correct to understand that - - - .
Back to - - - .( ~の話に戻りますが、)
Going back to - - - .If I'm allowed to ask you a stupid question 
May I ask you a silly question
Thanks, bye.
Thanks a lot.
Thank you for calling.
Thank you for your call.
Thank you. Good bye.*<余談 - 無礼・失礼な電話を扱うとき>*
幸い?、イギリスでは暗黙の了解で?、著しく侮辱的な言動があった場合は、電話を切ることが許されてしまいます。私も一度だけ"Please calm down. Otherwise, I'll have to put the phone down." 日本でそんなこと言ったら大変なことになりますね。(^-^ゞ受話器を置く: put the phone down
電話を切る: hang up、get off the callI'm hanging. / I'll hang up. : 切りますよ
I'll get off this call.: 切りますね
リストが終わったら、下記のサイトで復習できます。 ↓■電話を繋ぐ
"Wrong number":http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/business/talkingbusiness/unit1telephone/3wrongnumber.shtml■その他の表現
"Language Expert":http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/business/talkingbusiness/unit1telephone/expert.shtml■シミュレーションにチャレンジ
"Telephone Challenge":http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/business/talkingbusiness/unit1telephone/challenge.shtml

« 前 / 71 語中 51~71番目

問題 解答 出題数 習得度 苦手度
伝える give - - -
伝える tell - - -
休暇 leave - - -
休日、休暇 holiday - - -
休んで off - - -
メッセージ message - - -
パス, フォアボール pass - - -
もはや…しない no longer - - -
もっとのんびりする, 衰える slow down - - -
ふさがって engaged - - -
に関して regarding - - -
つなぐ connect - - -
つなぐ put through - - -
ちょうど今, ちょうどその時 at the moment - - -
たった今 right now - - -
お客 client - - -
…に関して concerning - - -
…に関して with respect to - - -
…と, 連れて with - - -
…から from - - -
~してもよろしい may - - -

« 前 / 71 語中 51~71番目
