Word List

「アドミンの英語 UK版」vol4 - アポをとる、スケジュール調整する -

reservationは、アメリカ英語 「空間を確保すること」 
make an appointment for (something) / for (date and time)
set up an appointment
arrange an appointment for ※日程を調整する
arrange for an appointment ※会う約束を取り付ける
get an appointment
schedule an appointment
fix an appointment with (someone) :(~とのアポを決めておく)・「アポなし」
no appointment
walk-in: (客の来訪が)アポなしの、アポなしの客
walk-in hours: 予約なしの訪問を受け付ける時間・その他
appt. : appointmentの省略
appointment: 予約、約束をしている人
Appointment necessary: 予約要(広告など)
appointment of - . ~の予約
appointment with. ~との約束
by appointment only: 要予約、予約者の限り、予約のみ、予約お願いします■予約にまつわる表現
make a booking: 予約をする
book an appointment
schedule on appointment
hold a booking: 予約をする(空きを抑える)
book a flight / a taxi / a hotel room / a plane ticket / a seat / a trip・「予約なし」
without a booking / reservation・その他
booking agent / clerk :発券係、予約係
booking error
booking office: 切符売り場(イギリス英語)
booking window:
advance booking: ホテル・劇場などの予約
booking time: 受付時刻
double booking
prior booking essential: 要予約
status booking: 予約状況 単にstatusでもよい
one night booking: 一泊の予約
guarantee a booking: 予約を保証する
secure a booking: 予約を確保する■スケジュールにまつわる表現
schedule: 日程表に予定を入れる・「スケジュールを立てる」
organize (someone's) schedule / diary / schedule diary・「スケジュール表、帳」
appointment book: スケジュール帳(予約表)
appointment organizer: システム手帳、スケジュール管理表、秘書
diary: 日記、スケジュール帳
message board: スケジュールの書き込まれたホワイトボード
conflicting schedule: スケジュールの重複■代理人が予約、アポを入れるとき
in A's name with ABC Hotel: Aの名前でABCホテルに(予約を入れる)■日程を確認する
get (someone's) schedule for (date) ※
check (with) (someone's) diary・「予約を確認する」
confirm (someone's) booking / reservation
reconfirm (someone's) booking / reservatione.g. I'm just ringing to confirm my booking for fear of double booking.・「~は都合がいい」 
be available / not available
suit (someone's) schedule / convenience
work for
(time, date) is convenient for (someone)・「~は一杯になっている、空がない」
be tied up
be fully booked
be booked up
be on a tight schedule
have quite a busy schedule
have a very tight schedule
schedule too tight to fit (something) inI'm afraid I'm tied up in the morning, but I'll make myself free Monday afternoon. 
I'm afraid I'm fully booked this week.
I'm afraid my schedule is too tight to fit in the meeting next week.・「予定がある」
Sorry, I have plans. 
have already got (plans).・「予定が入っていない、空きがある」
don't have anything (else) planned
don't have any plan・「間に合う」
make it in time / on time (for) :(約束に)
(something) meet the due time / the due day / the deadline: (締め切りに)・「間に合わない」
won't be in time / on time (for)
cannot make it in time / on time (for)
※on timeは「時間通りに」、in timeは「時間内に(始まる前に)」・「(予定より)早まる」
be ahead of schedule・「(予定より)遅れる」
be (time) late (for)
be delayed for (time)
(someone) run late (予定より遅れる)
(something) be (way) behind schedule (~が予定より遅れる)Can you make it?
I'm running (a bit / little) late (for)I'm afraid I'll / I'm going to be 10 minutes late.
I'm running.「時間をとっておく」
set aside (seats, time ) for (someone) : ~のために(時間、席)をとっておく・「時間がたくさんある、あまる」
have bags of time:
have time to kill: 暇な時間、持て余した時間がある
have time to spare: 自由に使える時間がある
have / get / find time on (someone's) hands: 時間を持て余している、自由な時間があるThere's no need to worry, we have bags of time. We shall get a chance to have meetings for the review long before the due date.
心配いらないですよ、時間はたくさんあります。締め切りまでに十分ミーティングでレビューするチャンスがありますよ。The meeting doesn't start at least an hour and so we have time to kill.
Shall we have a conversation over coffee.
もう少し後、先に:a little / bit later (on)、a little further (on)
I'll reschedule the meeting a little later on.
~より前に: ahead of
We were more than three days ahead of schedule.今のところは、当面は: for the time being
まもなく: shortly / soon
来る・直近の: upcoming / coming
途中の: halfway (through)
時間連続で: ten straight hours月曜から金曜まで: from Monday to Friday ※米語ではtoの代わりにthroughを使うこともあるようです
9時から17時まで: from 9 to 5今週の月曜日: This Monday
来週の月曜日: Next Monday
次週の月曜日: A week on Monday
※当日が金曜日で、次週の月曜日(3日後)を表現するときに’’on next Monday’’と言って''on Monday''といいなおされたことがあります。また''a week on Monday''と言う時は、「月曜がくるまでに約一週間ある」ということで、次の週ということではないのです。来週のどこかで: sometime next week
today / same day / this day next week,
a week from today / now
today / this day week
week today
再来週の今日: fortnight today, today fortnight
1週間: a week
2週間: fortnight■時間調整の依頼の切り出し
The reason for my call is ~.
The purpose of my call is ~.you got a sec / second?
Can / Could I have a few minutes?
Can / Could I have a word (with you)?
Can / Could I steal you for a moment?
Can / Could I speak to you for a minute?
Can / Could I have a talk with you?
Could I speak to you for a minute?Am I bothering / disturbing you?
Sorry for bothering / disturbing you.
Sorry for pestering you with questions.
(人)に会いたい: meet with (someone)I'd like to meet with (someone).
I'd like to arrange an appointment to see - somebody -.
Will / Could you ask him (someone's) schedule?
Will / Could you please check his / her diary?
Could I ask you to check his / her diary?<直接本人へ・用件を伝える>
話し合う: go over, discuss
ミーティングをもつ: arrange a meeting with
もし~するお時間があれば: if your schedule might allow me to -
if you don't have any plan today,I'd like to discuss (something).
I'd like to talk to you about (something).
I would like to meet you / in person to explain (something).
Could I meet you sometime next week?
Could I come by some time and give a presentation?
Could we get together sometime next week?
May I make an appointment to see you next week?
The reason for my call is to - .
I hope your schedule will permit you to join me for lunch sometime next week.<都合を尋ねる>
×When are you free? ※友だちに話すような言い方
△When will you be available?
○Do you have time on (date)?
○When / what time will be / is convenient for you?
○When would be good time for (someone)
○When would be convenient for you?
○When is convenient for you?
○When is the most convenient for you?
○Can you manage (date and time)?
○I was wondering if you could possibly spare me a few minutes.
○When did you have in mind? (いつをお考えでした?)「都合をあわせますよ」
○I'll make time for you.
○I'll adjust my schedule accordingly.
○I'll meet / see you at your convenience.■アポを受ける
accept a booking
book an appointment
△check in・「スケジュールを確認します」
I'll just look the diary.
I'll get my schedule for (time).
I'll check with my diary.
Let me have a look at (someone's) schedule.・「いつでもいいですよ」
Any time is OK with me.
Any day is / will be OK / fine.・「~なら空があります」
diary has been empty: 予定が何も入っていない
(someone) have nothing on : 何も予定が入っていない
some time - - - if possible.
(time, date) would suit me better.
It'll be O.K. except (date). その日以外ならいいですよ。
He / She has time at 3pm in the afternoon.・「~なら都合がいい」
(time, date) would work for (someone). ~時なら都合がいい
(time, date) would suit (someone) better.・「(その日なら)いいですよ」
That's fine with me.
That would be fine.
(time, date) will be all right.・「~はどうですか?」
Can you manage (time, date)?
How about (time , date)?
How's (time, date)?
Shall we say: ~にしましょうか?
Does that suit you?
We are on different schedules. - - - would be more realistic.
Schedule it for (date).・「(様子をみて)臨機応変に決めましょう」
Let's play it by earI'll come to your office.
I'll drop by your office.
Stay available.■都合が付かないとき
make it: 都合をつける
cannot make it: 行かれない、来られない、都合がつかない・「その日はあいにく都合がつきません」
I'm afraid / I'm sorry but, I have another appointment that day.
I'm afraid I cannot manage (time, date)
I'm afraid I cannot make it on that day. 
I'm afraid I won't be able to make it on that day.
※be able toはcanを丁寧にした言い方
I'm very sorry. I / She / He do / does not have time this week.
I'm afraid I'll be in U.S. next week.・「都合のよい日時をおしえてください」
Please let me know when would be a good time for you.「急用が入る」
come up: 起こる、~が(予定に)入る
unexpected ~: 予定になかった
urgent ~ : 急の
on that day: その日は◇自分のスケジュールなら・・・
I am very sorry, but I have to go on an urgent - on that day.
I'm sorry, but I have an unexpected - on that day.
I'm afraid I'm meeting someone on that day.◇上司・同僚のスケジュールなら・・・
I'm afraid, but she / he is not available on that day.
I'm afraid, but she / he has an urgent - on that day.・「忙しくて手が話せない、手一杯」
I've got my (two) hands full.
My arms are full.
not available.
Now would not be a good time.■スケジュール・アポの確認
I’m just ringing / calling to confirm my appointment tomorrow. (電話)
I've got an appointment tomorrow, and I'd like to confirm.■キャンセル
cancel a booking / one's bookingI'm sorry, I cannot make it.
I’m sorry, I have to cancel our appointment tomorrow.■スケジュール変更
Can / Could you rearrange my appointment?
Can / Could you / we reschedule my appointment for (date)?
Would it be possible to change my appointment to (date)?
I'd like to change my booking. (旅行、飛行機、予約)
I'd like to change the day of my appointment with you.※自分の入れたアポはour appointmentではなくmy appointmentです。
※put offはイベントを変更するとき、アポイントやミーティング日程の変更はreschedule、rearrangeを使います。・「~を延期する」
put off ~:
postpone ~:
take / have a rain check: またの機会に、ぜひまた今度Can I take a rain check? (また誘ってくれる?)■アポ・予約を取り終えて
That's great / smashing / fantastic /
Then, I'll see you (time, date).
see you then.
I'm looking forward to seeing / meeting you then.■シチュエーション別
Mr Tanaka: Hello, I'm Tanaka from ABC company. I'm ringing to arrange a n appointment with Mr Johnson for a meeting. Could you please connect me with her PA.PA: Hello, How can I help you?Mr Tanaka: Hello, I'm Tanaka from ABC company. I'd like to meet with Mr Johnson to report our current status on the XYZ project. Could you ask him his schedule?PA: Sure. Err... Let me check... I'm very sorry, but he doesn't have time this week.Mr Tanaka: I need only half an hour.PA: Well, how about a week on Tuesday afternoon. Mr Johnson has one hour available for the meeting only in the afternoon.

« 前 / 69 語中 51~69番目

問題 解答 出題数 習得度 苦手度
計画する organize - - -
記入する, 入らせる enter - - -
許す allow - - -
許可する, 可能にする permit - - -
話す、言う speak - - -
起こす set up - - -
近づく、来るべき upcoming - - -
迷惑をかける bother - - -
途中の halfway - - -
連続した straight - - -
適する, 気に入る suit - - -
都合・勝手のよい、便利な convenient - - -
間もなく shortly - - -
(予定より)遅れる run late - - -
(時間などを)割く spare - - -
~のことを考えている, 意図する have in mind - - -
~をよく検討する go over - - -
~を延期する put off - - -
~を把握しておく、記録しておく keep track of - - -

« 前 / 69 語中 51~69番目
