Word List


143 語中 1~50番目 / 次 »

問題 解答 出題数 習得度 苦手度
溺れる者はわらをもつかむ A drowning man will catch at a straw - - -
まさかの時の友こそ真の友 A friend in need is a friend indeed - - -
八方美人 A friend to all is a friend to none - - -
良薬は口に苦し A good medicine tastes bitter - - -
大男総身に知恵が回りかね A great head and a little wit - - -
生兵法は大怪我のもと A little knowledge is a dangerous thing - - -
無い袖は振れぬ A man cannot give what he hasn't got - - -
五十歩百歩 A miss is as good as a mile - - -
転がる石に苔(こけ)は生えず/転石苔むさず A rolling stone gathers no moss - - -
健全なる精神は健全なる身体に宿る A sound mind in a sound body - - -
君子豹変す A wise man changes his mind.a fool never - - -
人の噂も七十五日 A wonder lasts but nine days - - -
一を聞いて十を知る A word is enough to a wise man - - -
雨降って地固まる After a storm comes a calm - - -
亀の甲より年の功 Age and experience teach wisdom - - -
光るもの必ずしも金ならず All is not gold that glitters - - -
すべての道はローマに通ず All roads lead to Rome - - -
三度目の正直 All things thrive at thrice - - -
終わりよければすべて良し All's well that ends well - - -
目には目を、歯には歯を An eye for an eye. and a tooth for a tooth - - -
悪妻は百年の不作 An ill-marriage is a spring of ill fortune - - -
蛇の道は蛇 An old poacher makes the best keeper - - -
人の口には戸が立てられぬ Anyone can start a rumor. but none can stop one - - -
枯れ木も山のにぎわい Anything is better than nothing - - -
人は見かけによらぬもの Appearances are deceptive - - -
三つ子の魂百まで As the boy. so the man - - -
攻撃は最大の防御なり Attack is the best form of defense - - -
悪貨は良貨を駆逐する Bad money drives out good - - -
悪事千里を走る Bad news has wings - - -
鶏口となるも牛後となるなかれ Better be first in the village than second at Rome - - -
類は友を呼ぶ Birds of a feather flock together - - -
氏より育ち Birth is much.but breeding is more - - -
花より団子 Bread is better than the songs of birds - - -
窮鼠(きゅうそ)猫を噛(か)む Despair gives courage to a coward - - -
郷に入っては郷に従え Do in Rome as the Romans do - - -
捕らぬ狸の皮算用 Don't count your chickens before they are hatched - - -
言うは易く行うは難し Easier said than done - - -
悪銭身につかず Easy come. easy go - - -
空き樽は音が高い Empty vessels make the most sound - - -
弘法も筆の誤り/猿も木から落ちる/河童の川流れ Even Homer sometimes nods - - -
一寸の虫にも五分の魂 Even a worm will turn - - -
無くて七癖/叩けば埃が出る Every man has his faults - - -
鬼も十八番茶も出花 Everything is good in its season - - -
事実は小説より奇なり Fact is stranger than fiction - - -
失敗は成功のもと Failure teaches success - - -
馬子にも衣装 Fine clothes make the man - - -
先んずれば人を制す First come. first served - - -
庇(ひさし)を貸して母屋(おもや)を取られる Give him an inch and he'll tale a mile - - -
酒は百薬の長 Good wine makes good blood - - -
習い性となる Habit is a second nature - - -

143 語中 1~50番目 / 次 »
