Word List


207 語中 1~50番目 / 次 »

問題 解答 出題数 習得度 苦手度
work for [low] [wage]s 賃金:ちんぎん/ - - -
weddings and [funeral]s 葬式:そうしき/ - - -
trees [decorated] [with] lights 飾:かざ/られた - - -
today's [youngster]s 子供:こども/ - - -
tobacco company [executive]s 重役:じゅうやく/ - - -
the two cities, [namely], Paris and Tokyo すなわち - - -
the small [incident]s of everyday life 出来事:できごと/ - - -
the science [faculty] 学部:がくぶ/ - - -
the natural [habitat] of bears 生息地:せいそくち/ - - -
the melody of the [tune] 曲:きょく/ - - -
the high school [curriculum] 教育課程:きょういくかてい/ - - -
the family as a social [unit] 単位:たんい/ - - -
the factory's [output] 生産高:せいさんだか/ - - -
the check-in [procedure] 手続:てつづ/き - - -
the [underlying] cause 根本的:こんぽんてき/な - - -
the [tip] of my finger 先:さき/ - - -
the [prime] cause 主要:しゅよう/な - - -
the [particle]s of light 粒子:りゅうし/ - - -
the [outcome] of the race 結果:けっか/ - - -
the [mechanism] of a clock 仕組:しく/み - - -
the [inhabitant]s [of] the country 住民:じゅうみん/ - - -
the [flavor] of fresh fruit 風味:ふうみ/ - - -
the [finding]s of the study 発見:はっけん/ - - -
the [delicate] balance of nature 微妙:びみょう/な - - -
the [component]s of the body 構成要素:こうせいようそ/ - - -
the [campaign] [to] plant one million trees 運動:うんどう/ - - -
the [Federal] Government 連邦:れんぽう/ - - -
the United States [Congress] 議会:ぎかい/ - - -
the Japanese [Constitution] 憲法:けんぽう/ - - -
tell a [fairy] [tale] 話:はなし/ - - -
swim against the [tide] 潮流:ちょうりゅう/ - - -
stay [overnight] in his house 一晩:ひとばん/ - - -
stand [upright] まっすぐに - - -
speak the local [dialect] 方言:ほうげん/ - - -
speak [frankly] 率直:そっちょく/に - - -
sink below the [horizon] 地平線:ちへいせん/ - - -
set him apart from his [peer]s 仲間:なかま/ - - -
sense [organ]s 器官:きかん/ - - -
reduce carbon dioxide [emission]s 排出:はいしゅつ/ - - -
put a [strain] [on] the heart 負担:ふたん/ - - -
provide [adequate] food 十分:じゅうぶん/な - - -
praise the [Lord] 神:かみ/ - - -
political [reform] 改革:かいかく/ - - -
play a [crucial] role 重大:じゅうだい/な - - -
plant [wheat] and corn 小麦:こむぎ/ - - -
pay the bus [fare] 運賃:うんちん/ - - -
occur [simultaneously] 同時:どうじ/に - - -
monkeys and [ape]s 類人猿:るいじんえん/ - - -
modern English [usage] 語法:ごほう/ - - -
marine [organism]s 生物:せいぶつ/ - - -

207 語中 1~50番目 / 次 »
