Word List


207 語中 1~50番目 / 次 »

問題 解答 出題数 習得度 苦手度
America's last [frontier] 辺境:へんきょう/ - - -
Demand [exceed]s supply を/超:こ/える - - -
English [folk] music 民族:みんぞく/ - - -
Galileo's [astronomy] 天文学:てんもんがく/ - - -
Have you seen him [lately]? 最近:さいきん/ - - -
He always tells truth, [thereby] avoiding trouble そうすることで - - -
His power [diminished] 衰:おとろ/えた - - -
I will [definitely] not marry you 絶対:ぜったい/ - - -
Japanese cultural [heritage] 遺産:いさん/ - - -
Look before you [leap] 跳:と/ぶ - - -
The fact [correspond]s [to] my theory 一致:いっち/する - - -
The noise [annoy]s me をいらだたせる - - -
There's no English [equivalent] [to] haiku 相当:そうとう/するもの - - -
This example [illustrate]s his ability を/示:しめ/す - - -
[Anthropologist]s study people 人類学者:じんるいがくしゃ/ - - -
[a] large [portion] [of] your salary 部分:ぶぶん/ - - -
[accomplish] the difficult task をやりとげる - - -
[accuse] him [of] being cold 非難:ひなん/する - - -
[acknowledge] the fact をみとめる - - -
[adolescent] boys and girls 思春期:ししゅんき/の - - -
[amuse] students with jokes を/笑:わら/わせる - - -
[assist] [in] my father's business 手伝:てつだ/う - - -
[be] [appointed] [to] an important post 任命:にんめい/される - - -
[burst] [into] tears 急:きゅう/に-しだす - - -
[chronic] disease 慢性:まんせい/の - - -
[confirm] Darwin's theory を/裏付:うらづ/ける - - -
[conservation] groups 環境保護:かんきょうほご/ - - -
[countless] species of insects 無数:むすう/の - - -
[crash] [into] the wall 激突:げきとつ/する - - -
[cruel] treatment of animals 残酷:ざんこく/な - - -
[cultivate] friendships をそだてる - - -
[descend] to the ground 降:お/りる - - -
[dismiss] the idea [as] nonsense 無視:むし/する - - -
[embrace] a new idea をうけいれる - - -
[endangered]species 絶滅:ぜつめつ/の/危機:きき/にある - - -
[evaluate] the student's ability を/評価:ひょうか/する - - -
[excessive] use of alcohol 過度:かど/の - - -
[foster] creativity をやしなう - - -
[genuine] interest in science 真:しん/の - - -
[inherit] genes [from] our parents をうけつぐ - - -
[inquiry] into the cause of the fire 調査:ちょうさ/ - - -
[inspire] him [to] write a poem 気:き/をおこさせる - - -
[internal] medicine 内:ない/ - - -
[interpret] the meaning of the word を/解釈:かいしゃく/する - - -
[landscape] painting 風景:ふうけい/ - - -
[literary] history 文学:ぶんがく/の - - -
[literate] people in India 読:よ/み/書:か/きのできる - - -
[manual] work 手:て/を/使:つか/う - - -
[mutual] understanding 相互:そうご/の - - -
[overlook] the fact を/見逃:みのが/す - - -

207 語中 1~50番目 / 次 »
