Word List


204 語中 1~50番目 / 次 »

問題 解答 出題数 習得度 苦手度
be [paralyzed] from the waist down 麻痺:まひ/している - - -
Christmas [ornament]s 飾:かざ/り - - -
his [eccentric] behavior 風変:ふうが/わりな - - -
an [analogy] between the brain and the computer 類似点:るいじてん/ - - -
the most [conspicuous] example 顕著:けんちょ/な - - -
be [preoccupied] [with] the problem 頭:あたま/がいっぱいだ - - -
in the [domain] of psychology 領域:りょういき/ - - -
the [prophet]s of the Bible 預言者:よげんしゃ/ - - -
the [vein]s in the forehead 静脈:じょうみゃく/ - - -
a rise in [juvenile] crime 青少年:せいしょうねん/の - - -
[explicit] sex scenes 露骨:ろこつ/な - - -
a [wrecked] ship 難破:なんぱ/した - - -
a [merry] man 陽気:ようき/な - - -
the judge and [jury] 陪審員:ばいしんいん - - -
[secondhand] smoke 関節:かんせつ/ - - -
take a large [dose] [of] vitamin C 量:りょう/ - - -
act like a [barbarian] 野蛮人:やばんじん/ - - -
rely on your [spouse] 配偶者:はいぐうしゃ/ - - -
a small [segment] of the population 部分:ぶぶん/ - - -
instruct a [subordinate] 部下:ぶか/ - - -
a [wicked] desire 邪悪:じゃあく/な - - -
a [legacy] of the Renaissance 遺産:いさん/ - - -
Mendel's laws of [heredity] 遺伝:いでん/ - - -
be [compatible] [with] my values 適合:てきごう/する - - -
go on an [excursion] [to] the park 遠足:えんそく/ - - -
The plan [is] [doomed] [to] failure 運命:うんめい/にある - - -
[enlightened] young people 進:すす/んだ/考:かんが/えの - - -
walk down the [aisle] 通路:つうろ/ - - -
an expressway [toll] 通行料:つうこうりょう/ - - -
He's a dog lover. [Conversely], I'm a cat lover 逆:ぎゃく/に - - -
escape religious [persecution] 迫害:はくがい/ - - -
workers of banana [plantation]s 農園:のうえん/ - - -
a look of [scorn] 軽蔑:けいべつ/ - - -
a jungle [at] the [equator] 赤道:せきどう/ - - -
America's trade [deficit] 赤字:あかじ/ - - -
the English [aristocracy] 貴族階級:きぞくかいきゅう/ - - -
a [freight] train 貨物:かもつ/ - - -
have [ample] opportunity to learn 豊富:ほうふ/に - - -
the Kyoto [Protocol] 議定書:ぎていしょ/ - - -
solve a [riddle] 謎:なぞ/ - - -
a [discourse] [on] politics 論説:ろんせつ/ - - -
a man of [integrity] 誠実:せいじつ/ - - -
a [narrative] of his journey 話:はなし/ - - -
a birth [certificate] 証明書:しょうめいしょ/ - - -
have no [recollection] of the past 記憶:きおく/ - - -
[intricate] pattern 複雑:ふくざつ/な - - -
a government [subsidy] 補助金:ほじょきん/ - - -
public [sanitation] 衛星:えいせい/ - - -
read in [dim] light 薄暗:うすぐら/い - - -
Water changes into [vapor] 蒸気:じょうき/ - - -

204 語中 1~50番目 / 次 »
