Word List


204 語中 1~50番目 / 次 »

問題 解答 出題数 習得度 苦手度
38 degrees north [latitude] 緯度:いど/ - - -
A [burglar] broke into the house 強盗:ごうとう/ - - -
America's infant [mortality] rate 死亡:しぼう/ - - -
America's trade [deficit] 赤字:あかじ/ - - -
Christmas [ornament]s 飾:かざ/り - - -
He wrote it down [lest] the forget ないように - - -
He's a dog lover. [Conversely], I'm a cat lover 逆:ぎゃく/に - - -
His opinion is [in] [accord] [with] mine 一致:いっち/ - - -
I'm not as [dumb] as I look ばか - - -
Internet [censorship] in China 検閲制度:けんえつせいど/ - - -
Mendel's laws of [heredity] 遺伝:いでん/ - - -
The plan [is] [doomed] [to] failure 運命:うんめい/にある - - -
Water changes into [vapor] 蒸気:じょうき/ - - -
What a [terrific] idea! すばらしい - - -
[Botanist]s study plants 植物学者:しょくぶつがくしゃ/ - - -
[To] my [dismay], he failed 落胆:らくたん/ - - -
[aspiration]s to be an artist 熱望:ねつぼう/ - - -
[assault] [on] the enemy's base 攻撃:こうげき/ - - -
[be] [prone] [to] catch fire -しやすい - - -
[compulsory] education 義務:ぎむ/ - - -
[deforestation] in the Amazon 森林破壊:しんりんはかい/ - - -
[enlightened] young people 進:すす/んだ/考:かんが/えの - - -
[explicit] sex scenes 露骨:ろこつ/な - - -
[in] [the] [midst] [of] the lecture まっただなか - - -
[indigenous] peoples of Australia 先住:せんじゅう/ - - -
[innate] ability to learn 先天的:せんてんてき/な - - -
[innumerable] problems 無数:むすう/の - - -
[intricate] pattern 複雑:ふくざつ/な - - -
[irrigation] in the desert 灌漑:かんがい/ - - -
[perpetual] peace 永続:えいぞく/の - - -
[predominantly] female jobs 主:おも/に - - -
[secondhand] smoke 関節:かんせつ/ - - -
[slang] expressions 俗語:ぞくご/ - - -
[solemn] classical music 荘厳:そうごん/な - - -
[straightforward] language わかりやすい - - -
[synthetic] chemicals 合成:ごうせい/の - - -
[take] [revenge] [on] the murderer 復讐:ふくしゅう/ - - -
[vulgar] tastes 下品:げひん/な - - -
a United States [Senator] 上院議員:じょういんぎいん/ - - -
a [daring] adventure 大胆:だいたん/な - - -
a [discourse] [on] politics 論説:ろんせつ/ - - -
a [foul]-smelling gas 不快:ふかい/な - - -
a [freight] train 貨物:かもつ/ - - -
a [gigantic] spaceship 巨大:きょだい/ - - -
a [hybrid] car ハイブリッド - - -
a [legacy] of the Renaissance 遺産:いさん/ - - -
a [legitimate] claim 正当:せいとう/な - - -
a [lump] on the head こぶ - - -
a [manifest] mistake あきらかな - - -
a [menace] to world peace 脅威:きょうい/ - - -

204 語中 1~50番目 / 次 »
