Word List


204 語中 1~50番目 / 次 »

問題 解答 出題数 習得度 苦手度
workers of banana [plantation]s 農園:のうえん/ - - -
women's [intuition] 直観:ちょっかん/ - - -
wipe with a [damp] towel しめった - - -
win the [lottery] 宝:たから/くじ - - -
watch with [apprehension] 不安:ふあん/ - - -
walk down the [aisle] 通路:つうろ/ - - -
walk along the [pavement] 歩道:ほどう/ - - -
turn right at the [intersection] 交差点:こうさてん/ - - -
traditional French [cuisine] 料理:りょうり/ - - -
the quest for [novelty] 目新:めあたら/しさ - - -
the mysteries of the [cosmos] 宇宙:うちゅう/ - - -
the most [conspicuous] example 顕著:けんちょ/な - - -
the judge and [jury] 陪審員:ばいしんいん - - -
the art of [antiquity] 古代:こだい/ - - -
the [wrinkle]s around her eyes しわ - - -
the [vein]s in the forehead 静脈:じょうみゃく/ - - -
the [retail] price 小売:こう/り - - -
the [quest] [for] the truth 探求:たんきゅう/ - - -
the [prophet]s of the Bible 預言者:よげんしゃ/ - - -
the [plight] of the homeless 苦境:くきょう/ - - -
the [peril]s of the road 危険:きけん/ - - -
the [heir] [to] a fortune 相続人:そうぞくにん/ - - -
the [feudal] system in the Edo Era 封建:ほうけん/ - - -
the [divine] right of kings 神聖:しんせい/なる - - -
the [advent] [of] the Internet 出現:しゅつげん/ - - -
the Kyoto [Protocol] 議定書:ぎていしょ/ - - -
the Japanese [aesthetic] sense 美的:びてき/ - - -
the English [aristocracy] 貴族階級:きぞくかいきゅう/ - - -
the British [monarch] 君主:くんしゅ/ - - -
take a large [dose] [of] vitamin C 量:りょう/ - - -
take [precaution]s against fires 用心:ようじん/ - - -
stop [abruptly] 不意:ふい/に - - -
solve a [riddle] 謎:なぞ/ - - -
shout [patriotic] slogans 愛国的:あいこくてき/な - - -
rely on your [spouse] 配偶者:はいぐうしゃ/ - - -
regulate [metabolism] 新陳代謝:しんちんたいしゃ/ - - -
receive warm [hospitality] 歓迎:かんげい/ - - -
read in [dim] light 薄暗:うすぐら/い - - -
put up with her [shortcoming]s 欠点:けってん/ - - -
put up with [tyranny] 圧制:あっせい/ - - -
public [sanitation] 衛星:えいせい/ - - -
psychologists and [psychiatrist]s 精神科医:せいしんかい/ - - -
propose a new [paradigm] 理論的枠組:りろんてきわくぐみ/ - - -
prevent a [catastrophe] 大災害:だいさいがい/ - - -
political [propaganda] 宣伝:せんでん/ - - -
police [headquarters] 本部:ほんぶ/ - - -
packaging and [shipping] 発送:はっそう/ - - -
my [clumsy] fingers 不器用:ぶきよう/な - - -
media [coverage] of the accident 報道:ほうどう/ - - -
make an [earnest] effort まじめな - - -

204 語中 1~50番目 / 次 »
