Word List


199 語中 1~50番目 / 次 »

問題 解答 出題数 習得度 苦手度
[Once] she arrives, we can start -とすぐ - - -
have a good [command] of English あやつる/能力:のうりょく/ - - -
[play] a [trick] [on] the teacher いたずら - - -
get [stuck] on a crowded train うごけない - - -
I lived there [once] かつて - - -
a [pretty] long time かなり - - -
[a] [good] many books かなり - - -
He [is] [bound] [to] fail きっと - - -
She is [fast] [asleep] ぐっすり - - -
[given] [that] you are young ことを/考慮:こうりょ/すると - - -
be [bound] by tradition しばられる - - -
a clever [trick] たくらみ - - -
I have [but] one question だけ - - -
[press] him to drink more と/強:つよ/く/迫:せま/る - - -
[fancy] myself a novelist と/想像:そうぞう/する - - -
[observe] that prices would fall と/述:の/べる - - -
[assume] that money can buy happiness とおもいこむ - - -
apples, peaches, [and] [the] [like] など - - -
English with an Italian [accent] なまり - - -
[board] a plane に/乗:の/り/込:こ/む - - -
[serve] the king に/仕:つか/える - - -
[beat] the champion に/勝:か/つ - - -
[address] environmental issues に/取:と/り/組:く/む - - -
[address] the audience に/呼:よ/びかける - - -
[serve] many purposes に/役立:やくだ/つ - - -
I [appreciate] your help に/感謝:かんしゃ/する - - -
[direct] the workers に/指図:さしず/する - - -
[bear] the weight に/耐:た/える - - -
He will [make] a good teacher になる - - -
He is tired [due] [to] lack of sleep のせいで - - -
[in] a similar [fashion] やり/方:かた/ - - -
[deny] women equal rights を/与:あた/えない - - -
[maintain] that he is innocent を/主張:しゅちょう/する - - -
[conduct] electricity を/伝:つた/える - - -
I'll [fix] you a drink を/作:つく/ってあげる - - -
[coin] a new word を/作:つく/り/出:だ/す - - -
[fix] a broken car を/修理:しゅうり/する - - -
[sort] papers by date を/分類:ぶんるい/する - - -
[spare] him a few minutes を/割:さ/く - - -
[direct] his attention [to] the fact を/向:む/ける - - -
[deny] the existence of God を/否定:ひてい/する - - -
[observe] the rule を/守:まも/る - - -
[pose] a problem を/引:ひ/き/起:お/こす - - -
[spare] no effort to help her を/惜:お/しむ - - -
[bear] relation to the matter を/持:も/つ - - -
[pose] a question を/提起:ていき/する - - -
[waste] money を/浪費:ろうひ/する - - -
[bear] a child を/産:う/む - - -
[yield] food and wood を/産出:さんしゅつ/する - - -
[exercise] power over people を/用:もち/いる - - -

199 語中 1~50番目 / 次 »
