Word List


207 語中 1~50番目 / 次 »

問題 解答 出題数 習得度 苦手度
the two cities, [namely], Paris and Tokyo すなわち - - -
He always tells truth, [thereby] avoiding trouble そうすることで - - -
stand [upright] まっすぐに - - -
[utterly] different from others まったく - - -
This example [illustrate]s his ability を/示:しめ/す - - -
[amuse] students with jokes を/笑:わら/わせる - - -
[undergo] great changes を/経験:けいけん/する - - -
[sew] a wedding dress を/縫:ぬ/う - - -
how to [breed] animals を/繁殖:はんしょく/させる - - -
[confirm] Darwin's theory を/裏付:うらづ/ける - - -
[overlook] the fact を/見逃:みのが/す - - -
[regulate] traffic を/規制:きせい/する - - -
[interpret] the meaning of the word を/解釈:かいしゃく/する - - -
[evaluate] the student's ability を/評価:ひょうか/する - - -
Demand [exceed]s supply を/超:こ/える - - -
The noise [annoy]s me をいらだたせる - - -
[embrace] a new idea をうけいれる - - -
[inherit] genes [from] our parents をうけつぐ - - -
[cultivate] friendships をそだてる - - -
[transmit] messages をつたえる - - -
[scatter] toys on the floor をばらまく - - -
[withdraw] my hand をひっこめる - - -
[acknowledge] the fact をみとめる - - -
[foster] creativity をやしなう - - -
[accomplish] the difficult task をやりとげる - - -
stay [overnight] in his house 一晩:ひとばん/ - - -
be [consistent] [with] the theory 一致:いっち/している - - -
The fact [correspond]s [to] my theory 一致:いっち/する - - -
a [seemingly] impossible task 一見:いっけん/ - - -
the [prime] cause 主要:しゅよう/な - - -
cut the defense [budget] 予算:よさん/ - - -
make an [appointment] [with] the doctor 予約:よやく/ - - -
a [joint] [venture] with Taiwan 事業:じぎょう/ - - -
[Anthropologist]s study people 人類学者:じんるいがくしゃ/ - - -
the [mechanism] of a clock 仕組:しく/み - - -
set him apart from his [peer]s 仲間:なかま/ - - -
[be] [appointed] [to] an important post 任命:にんめい/される - - -
a three-minute [pause] 休止:きゅうし/ - - -
the [inhabitant]s [of] the country 住民:じゅうみん/ - - -
a lawyer and his [client] 依頼人:いらいにん/ - - -
an [insult] to women 侮辱:ぶじょく/ - - -
blind [faith] [in] technology 信頼:しんらい/ - - -
[prejudice] against women 偏見:へんけん/ - - -
a religious [ceremony] 儀式:ぎしき/ - - -
the [tip] of my finger 先:さき/ - - -
her [inner] self 内:うち/なる - - -
[internal] medicine 内:ない/ - - -
a 10,000-[volume] library 冊:さつ/ - - -
a [review] of the law 再検討:さいけんとう/ - - -
the small [incident]s of everyday life 出来事:できごと/ - - -

207 語中 1~50番目 / 次 »
