Word List


207 語中 1~50番目 / 次 »

問題 解答 出題数 習得度 苦手度
a city full of [charm] 魅力:みりょく/ - - -
a person of [noble] birth 高貴:こうき/な - - -
[sophisticated] computer technology 高度:こうど/な - - -
an [astonishing] memory 驚異的:きょういてき/な - - -
trees [decorated] [with] lights 飾:かざ/られた - - -
a terrible [famine] in Africa 飢饉:ききん/ - - -
[starve] to death 飢:う/え - - -
have no [appetite] 食欲:しょくよく/ - - -
[landscape] painting 風景:ふうけい/ - - -
the [flavor] of fresh fruit 風味:ふうみ/ - - -
monkeys and [ape]s 類人猿:るいじんえん/ - - -
a large [sum] of money 額:がく/ - - -
[accuse] him [of] being cold 非難:ひなん/する - - -
[descend] to the ground 降:お/りる - - -
a [keen] eye for art 鋭:するど/い - - -
become a [burden] [on] society 重荷:おもに/ - - -
tobacco company [executive]s 重役:じゅうやく/ - - -
play a [crucial] role 重大:じゅうだい/な - - -
[a] large [portion] [of] your salary 部分:ぶぶん/ - - -
live in the [suburb]s of London 郊外:こうがい/ - - -
Japanese cultural [heritage] 遺産:いさん/ - - -
do [moderate] exercise 適度:てきど/な - - -
[qualify] [for] the position 適任:てきにん/である - - -
[excessive] use of alcohol 過度:かど/の - - -
pay the bus [fare] 運賃:うんちん/ - - -
a professional [athlete] 運動選手:うんどうせんしゅ/ - - -
the [campaign] [to] plant one million trees 運動:うんどう/ - - -
[proceed] straight ahead 進:すす/む - - -
the [Federal] Government 連邦:れんぽう/ - - -
America's last [frontier] 辺境:へんきょう/ - - -
Look before you [leap] 跳:と/ぶ - - -
lack of [fund]s 資金:しきん/ - - -
work for [low] [wage]s 賃金:ちんぎん/ - - -
put a [strain] [on] the heart 負担:ふたん/ - - -
an [abundant] supply of food 豊富:ほうふ/な - - -
the United States [Congress] 議会:ぎかい/ - - -
[inquiry] into the cause of the fire 調査:ちょうさ/ - - -
[literate] people in India 読:よ/み/書:か/きのできる - - -
modern English [usage] 語法:ごほう/ - - -
tell a [fairy] [tale] 話:はなし/ - - -
[resort] [to] violence 訴:うった/える - - -
a training [scheme] for pilots 計画:けいかく/ - - -
break the dress [code] 規則:きそく/ - - -
future [prospect]s 見通:みとお/し - - -
His power [diminished] 衰:おとろ/えた - - -
weddings and [funeral]s 葬式:そうしき/ - - -
carry a heavy [load] 荷物:にもつ/ - - -
be in economic [distress] 苦難:くなん/ - - -
die of a [stroke] 脳卒中:のうそっちゅう/ - - -
a well-paid [occupation] 職業:しょくぎょう/ - - -

207 語中 1~50番目 / 次 »
