Word List


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問題 解答 出題数 習得度 苦手度
an intellectual [profession] 職業:しょくぎょう/ - - -
economic [prosperity] 繁栄:はんえい/ - - -
[endangered]species 絶滅:ぜつめつ/の/危機:きき/にある - - -
I will [definitely] not marry you 絶対:ぜったい/ - - -
the [outcome] of the race 結果:けっか/ - - -
business [administration] 経営:けいえい/ - - -
a railroad [terminal] 終点:しゅうてん/ - - -
[settle] international [dispute]s 紛争:ふんそう/ - - -
the [particle]s of light 粒子:りゅうし/ - - -
fall into the same [category] 範疇:はんちゅう/ - - -
ancient Greek [myth]s 神話:しんわ/ - - -
a [priest] in the church 神父:しんぷ/ - - -
praise the [Lord] 神:かみ/ - - -
knowledge and [wisdom] 知恵:ちえ/ - - -
friends and [acquaintance]s 知人:ちじん/ - - -
[steady] economic growth 着実:ちゃくじつ/な - - -
[genuine] interest in science 真:しん/の - - -
There's no English [equivalent] [to] haiku 相当:そうとう/するもの - - -
[mutual] understanding 相互:そうご/の - - -
the [finding]s of the study 発見:はっけん/ - - -
an [alien] culture 異質:いしつ/な - - -
[stem] [from] an ancient tradition 由来:ゆらい/する - - -
a construction [site] for a new hotel 用地:ようち/ - - -
the factory's [output] 生産高:せいさんだか/ - - -
marine [organism]s 生物:せいぶつ/ - - -
the natural [habitat] of bears 生息地:せいそくち/ - - -
[conservation] groups 環境保護:かんきょうほご/ - - -
speak [frankly] 率直:そっちょく/に - - -
expressions [peculiar] [to] English 特有:とくゆう/の - - -
a [controversial] social [issue] 物議:ぶつぎ/をよぶ - - -
be [indifferent] [to] politics 無関心:むかんしん/だ - - -
[dismiss] the idea [as] nonsense 無視:むし/する - - -
[countless] species of insects 無数:むすう/の - - -
a [random] choice 無作為:むさくい/な - - -
[crash] [into] the wall 激突:げきとつ/する - - -
swim against the [tide] 潮流:ちょうりゅう/ - - -
a boat in Tokyo [bay] 湾:わん/ - - -
a [profound] meaning 深:ふか/い - - -
a [passive] attitude 消極的:しょうきょくてき/な - - -
[vanish] from sight 消:き/える - - -
a [mobile] society 流動的:りゅうどうてき/な - - -
have a quick [temper] 気性:きしょう/ - - -
a [generous] offer 気前:きまえ/のよい - - -
[inspire] him [to] write a poem 気:き/をおこさせる - - -
English [folk] music 民族:みんぞく/ - - -
different [ethnic] groups 民族:みんぞく/ - - -
[cruel] treatment of animals 残酷:ざんこく/な - - -
be [frustrated] by the lack of money 欲求不満:よっきゅうふまん/になる - - -
the [component]s of the body 構成要素:こうせいようそ/ - - -
the [underlying] cause 根本的:こんぽんてき/な - - -

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