Word List


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問題 解答 出題数 習得度 苦手度
[prejudice] against women 偏見:へんけん/ - - -
[proceed] straight ahead 進:すす/む - - -
[qualify] [for] the position 適任:てきにん/である - - -
[radical] changes 根本的:こんぽんてき/な - - -
[regulate] traffic を/規制:きせい/する - - -
[resort] [to] violence 訴:うった/える - - -
[rigid] rules 厳格:げんかく/な - - -
[scatter] toys on the floor をばらまく - - -
[settle] international [dispute]s 紛争:ふんそう/ - - -
[sew] a wedding dress を/縫:ぬ/う - - -
[sophisticated] computer technology 高度:こうど/な - - -
[split] into two groups 分裂:ぶんれつ/する - - -
[starve] to death 飢:う/え - - -
[steady] economic growth 着実:ちゃくじつ/な - - -
[stem] [from] an ancient tradition 由来:ゆらい/する - - -
[thoroughly] enjoy the party 徹底的:てっていてき/に - - -
[transmit] messages をつたえる - - -
[undergo] great changes を/経験:けいけん/する - - -
[utterly] different from others まったく - - -
[vanish] from sight 消:き/える - - -
[withdraw] my hand をひっこめる - - -
a 10,000-[volume] library 冊:さつ/ - - -
a [controversial] social [issue] 物議:ぶつぎ/をよぶ - - -
a [desperate] attempt 必死:ひっし/の - - -
a [generous] offer 気前:きまえ/のよい - - -
a [joint] [venture] with Taiwan 事業:じぎょう/ - - -
a [keen] eye for art 鋭:するど/い - - -
a [mobile] society 流動的:りゅうどうてき/な - - -
a [passive] attitude 消極的:しょうきょくてき/な - - -
a [priest] in the church 神父:しんぷ/ - - -
a [profound] meaning 深:ふか/い - - -
a [random] choice 無作為:むさくい/な - - -
a [review] of the law 再検討:さいけんとう/ - - -
a [seemingly] impossible task 一見:いっけん/ - - -
a [stable] condition 安定:あんてい/した - - -
a [vehicle] for communication 手段:しゅだん/ - - -
a boat in Tokyo [bay] 湾:わん/ - - -
a city full of [charm] 魅力:みりょく/ - - -
a construction [site] for a new hotel 用地:ようち/ - - -
a deep [affection] [for] animals 愛情:あいじょう/ - - -
a girl [scream]ing for help 悲鳴:ひめい/をあげる - - -
a good [harvest] of rice 収穫:しゅうかく/ - - -
a healthy daily [routine] 日課:にっか/ - - -
a large [sum] of money 額:がく/ - - -
a lawyer and his [client] 依頼人:いらいにん/ - - -
a long [strip] of paper 切:き/れ - - -
a man of high [rank] 地位:ちい - - -
a person of [noble] birth 高貴:こうき/な - - -
a professional [athlete] 運動選手:うんどうせんしゅ/ - - -
a railroad [terminal] 終点:しゅうてん/ - - -

« 前 / 207 語中 51~100番目 / 次 »
