Word List


204 語中 1~50番目 / 次 »

問題 解答 出題数 習得度 苦手度
[be] [prone] [to] catch fire -しやすい - - -
a [manifest] mistake あきらかな - - -
childhood [mischief] いたずら - - -
a [naughty] little boy いたずらな - - -
keep the room [tidy] きちんと - - -
escape from [grim] reality きびしい - - -
be [afflicted] with AIDS くるしんでいる - - -
a [trim] appearance] こぎれいな - - -
a [lump] on the head こぶ - - -
be covered with [rust] さび - - -
wipe with a [damp] towel しめった - - -
the [wrinkle]s around her eyes しわ - - -
a [transparent] silk nightgown すきとおった - - -
a [swift] reaction すばやい - - -
What a [terrific] idea! すばらしい - - -
a [slender] girl with long hair すらりとした - - -
a cool [breeze] from the sea そよかぜ - - -
be [weary] from driving つかれている - - -
be [obsessed] [with] the fear of death とりつかれる - - -
He wrote it down [lest] the forget ないように - - -
food and [beverage] のみもの - - -
an [outlet] for frustration はけ/口:ぐち/ - - -
an [incentive] [to] study はげみ/ - - -
I'm not as [dumb] as I look ばか - - -
a [recipe] for happiness ひけつ - - -
be dressed in [rag]s ぼろ - - -
make an [earnest] effort まじめな - - -
[in] [the] [midst] [of] the lecture まっただなか - - -
a [tender] smile やさしい - - -
from the [cradle] to the grave ゆりかご - - -
[straightforward] language わかりやすい - - -
a political [ideology] イデオロギー - - -
a [hybrid] car ハイブリッド - - -
His opinion is [in] [accord] [with] mine 一致:いっち/ - - -
a United States [Senator] 上院議員:じょういんぎいん/ - - -
[vulgar] tastes 下品:げひん/な - - -
an [integral] [part] [of] society 不可欠:ふかけつ/な - - -
my [clumsy] fingers 不器用:ぶきよう/な - - -
watch with [apprehension] 不安:ふあん/ - - -
a [nasty] smell 不快:ふかい/な - - -
a [foul]-smelling gas 不快:ふかい/な - - -
stop [abruptly] 不意:ふい/に - - -
a dry [barren] land 不毛:ふもう/の - - -
a [naive] young girl 世間知:せけんし/らずの - - -
[predominantly] female jobs 主:おも/に - - -
a [subjective] impression 主観的:しゅかんてき/な - - -
turn right at the [intersection] 交差点:こうさてん/ - - -
[slang] expressions 俗語:ぞくご/ - - -
accomplish a remarkable [feat] 偉業:いぎょう/ - - -
[indigenous] peoples of Australia 先住:せんじゅう/ - - -

204 語中 1~50番目 / 次 »
