Word List


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問題 解答 出題数 習得度 苦手度
an international [statesman] 政治家:せいじか/ - - -
follow a religious [doctrine] 教義:きょうぎ/ - - -
traditional French [cuisine] 料理:りょうり/ - - -
regulate [metabolism] 新陳代謝:しんちんたいしゃ/ - - -
be of the [utmost] importance 最:もっと/も - - -
a world-[renowned] singer 有名:ゆうめい/な - - -
police [headquarters] 本部:ほんぶ/ - - -
an apple [orchard] 果樹園:かじゅえん/ - - -
[deforestation] in the Amazon 森林破壊:しんりんはかい/ - - -
[Botanist]s study plants 植物学者:しょくぶつがくしゃ/ - - -
destroy the [vegetation] in the area 植生:しょくせい/ - - -
Internet [censorship] in China 検閲制度:けんえつせいど/ - - -
a [specimen] of a rare plant 標本:ひょうほん/ - - -
a vitamin [deficiency] 欠乏:けつぼう/ - - -
put up with her [shortcoming]s 欠点:けってん/ - - -
find [flaw]s [in] the theory 欠陥:けっかん/ - - -
receive warm [hospitality] 歓迎:かんげい/ - - -
a [legitimate] claim 正当:せいとう/な - - -
walk along the [pavement] 歩道:ほどう/ - - -
America's infant [mortality] rate 死亡:しぼう/ - - -
artistic [temperament] 気質:きしつ/ - - -
[perpetual] peace 永続:えいぞく/の - - -
[irrigation] in the desert 灌漑:かんがい/ - - -
[innumerable] problems 無数:むすう/の - - -
his [reckless] driving 無謀:むぼう/な - - -
[aspiration]s to be an artist 熱望:ねつぼう/ - - -
an [ingenious] design 独創的:どくそうてき/な - - -
a [monopoly] on the tea market 独占:どくせん/ - - -
propose a new [paradigm] 理論的枠組:りろんてきわくぐみ/ - - -
take [precaution]s against fires 用心:ようじん/ - - -
packaging and [shipping] 発送:はっそう/ - - -
a government [supervisor] 監督者:かんとくしゃ/ - - -
the quest for [novelty] 目新:めあたら/しさ - - -
women's [intuition] 直観:ちょっかん/ - - -
the [heir] [to] a fortune 相続人:そうぞくにん/ - - -
import [petroleum] 石油:せきゆ/ - - -
the [divine] right of kings 神聖:しんせい/なる - - -
fill a [vacuum] 空白:くうはく/ - - -
a genetic [mutation] 突然変異:とうぜんへんい/ - - -
psychologists and [psychiatrist]s 精神科医:せいしんかい/ - - -
harmful [ultraviolet] light 紫外:しがい/の - - -
38 degrees north [latitude] 緯度:いど/ - - -
the Japanese [aesthetic] sense 美的:びてき/ - - -
empty [rhetoric] 美辞麗句:びじれいく/ - - -
[compulsory] education 義務:ぎむ/ - - -
a [menace] to world peace 脅威:きょうい/ - - -
a [spinal] injury 脊椎:せきつい/の - - -
have a brain [tumor] 腫瘍:しゅよう/ - - -
call him a [coward] 臆病者:おくびょうもの/ - - -
individual [autonomy] 自主性:じしゅせい/ - - -

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