5 語中 1~5番目
問題 | 解答▲ | 出題数 | 習得度 | 苦手度 |
Because of the interruption..the teacher extended the exam time by 15 minutes. (extend=延長する) | Because of the interruption.. the teacher extended the exam time by 15 minutes | - | - | - |
The drunk man tried to provoke the other customer into fighting him. (provoke=挑発する) | The drunk man tried to provoke the other customer into fighting him | - | - | - |
Although I looked everywhere for my recalcitrant-student..she eluded me. (recalcitrant=扱いにくい、elude=かわす) | although I looked everywhere for my recalcitrant student..she eluded me | - | - | - |
Rumors of the illness pervaded a large section of the city. (pervade=広まる) | rumors of the illness pervaded a large section of the city | - | - | - |
The school team finally prevailed over their rivals and won the championship. (prevail=圧倒する) | the school team finally prevaild over their rivals and won the championship | - | - | - |
5 語中 1~5番目