問題 |
解答▲ |
出題数 |
習得度 |
苦手度 |
the state of being poor |
poverty |
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a thing that is done regularly; a habit or a custom |
practice |
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to happen before something or come before something/somebody in order |
precede |
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the fact of being in a particular place |
presence |
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to stop somebody from doing something; to stop something from happening |
prevent somebody from something |
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to sell a business or an industry so that it is no longer owned by the government |
privatize |
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to get something useful from a situation; to be useful to somebody or give them an advantage |
profit from something |
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forbid |
prohibit something |
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a thing or things that are owned by somebody |
property |
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to suggest a plan/ an idea for people to think about and decide on |
propose something |
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the possibility that something will happen |
prospect |
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to give something to somebody or make it available for them to use |
provide something for somebody |
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intended to make people angry or upset; intended to make people argue about something |
provocative |
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to cause a particular reaction or have a particular effect |
provoke something |
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to wait in a line of people/ vehicles in order to do |
queue |
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to compete against somebody to see who can go faster ; do something first |
race to do something |
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a large public meeting especially one held to support a particular idea or political party |
rally |
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to give something a particular position on a scale according to quality; to have a position of this kind |
rank |
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a person who is opposed to political or social change |
reactionary |
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to understand or become aware of a particular fact | to achieve something important |
realize something |
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someone who has been forced to leave a country because of war or for religious or political reasons |
refugee |
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an official rule made by a government or some other authority |
regulation |
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feeling happy because something unpleasant has stopped or has not happened; showing this |
relieved |
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to make a copy of a picture/ piece of text |
reproduce something |
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any animal that has cold blood and skin covered in scales and that lays eggs | Snakes | Lizard |
reptile |
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a sticky substance that is produced by some trees and is used in making plastics |
resin |
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to stop somebody/something from doing something by using physical force |
restrain something |
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to change your opinions or plans because of something you have learned |
revise something |
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to make something stronger/ more active or more healthy |
revitalize |
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to give something to somebody because they have done something good/ worked hard |
reward somebody for something |
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broken stones or bricks from a building or wall that has been destroyed or damaged |
rubble |
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the parts of a building that remain after it has been destroyed or severely damaged |
ruin |
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to damage something so badly that it loses all its value | spoil |
ruin something |
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to burn and slightly damage a surface by making it too hot; to be slightly burned by heat |
scorch |
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happening as a result of something else |
secondary |
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the use of legal authority to take something from somebody; an amount of something that is taken in this way |
seizure of something |
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the group of people who control a university |
senate |
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to begin doing something in a busy or determined way |
set to |
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to put an end to an argument or a disagreement ; to make yourself or somebody else comfortable in a new position |
settle |
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a place where people have come to live and make their homes |
settlement |
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extremely bad or serious |
severe |
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showing what you really think or feel |
sincere |
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a place where a building/ town was/ is or will be located |
site |
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to break something suddenly with a sharp noise; to be broken in this way |
snap something off |
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it is painful and often red because of infection or because a muscle has been used too much |
sore |
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to arrange things so that they have regular spaces between them |
space |
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to cause something to start or develop suddenly |
spark something |
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to lay eggs |
spawn |
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to see or notice a person or thing suddenly or when it is not easy to do so |
spot something |
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to press something firmly especially with your fingers |
squeeze |
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