Word List



« 前 / 64 語中 51~64番目

問題 解答 出題数 習得度 苦手度
The thermometer said it was 30degrees.but it felt more like 35 The thermometer said it was 30degrees.but it felt more like 35 - - -
This book is not interesting in the least This book is not interesting in the least - - -
This is not to say I gave up hope This is not to say I gave up hope - - -
What has become of his promise? What has become of his promise - - -
You can't be too cautious when walking alone at night You can't be too cautious when walking alone at night - - -
うまく利用する) He availed himself of every opportunity to learn He availed himself of every opportunity to learn - - -
したがって住宅販売数が下がる) Interest rates are going up.so it follows that house sales will go down Interest rates are going up.so it follows that house sales will go down - - -
他にLegend has it thatがある)Rumor has it that she got divorced last year Rumor has it that she got divorced last year - - -
専念する) You should apply yourself to your studies You should apply yourself to your studies - - -
思わず) I saw my face in the mirror and laughed in spite of myself I saw my face in the mirror and laughed in spite of myself - - -
自慢する) She prides herself on her appearance She prides herself on her appearance - - -
誓う) He committed himself to marriage He committed himself to marriage - - -
重要なのはSV) The point is you have to find a job The point is you have to find a job - - -
金に無責任) When it comes to money.she is totally irresponsible When it comes to money.she is totally irresponsible - - -

« 前 / 64 語中 51~64番目
