9 語中 1~9番目
問題 | 解答▲ | 出題数 | 習得度 | 苦手度 |
何か持ってきましょうか? | Can I get you anything? | - | - | - |
今日、いくつリンゴを食べましたか? | How many apples did you eat today? | - | - | - |
明日一日中雪が降るといいな | I hope it snows all day long tomorrow | - | - | - |
できるだけ早く車を直さなくちゃ | I need to fix my car as soon as possible | - | - | - |
できればダイエットコークをお願いします | If it is possible I'd like to have a Diet Coke | - | - | - |
一度あの動物たちを見れば気分がよくなるだろう | Once you see all those animals you should feel better | - | - | - |
リチャード、その上で何してるの? | Richard what are you doing up there? | - | - | - |
それって誰?正直言って僕は彼、そんなに好きじゃないな | Who is that? To tell the truth I do not like him that much | - | - | - |
いったいだれの携帯ですか? | Whose cellular phone is this anyway? | - | - | - |
9 語中 1~9番目