300 語中 1~50番目 / 次 »
問題 | 解答▲ | 出題数 | 習得度 | 苦手度 |
[用例]蜃気楼のように木立が現れた | A grove of trees appeared like a mirage. | - | - | - |
[用例]暴動が起こった | A riot broke out. | - | - | - |
[用例]グラフから類推して、売り上げは伸びるだろう | By analogy with a diagram..the sales will increase. | - | - | - |
[用例]屋根裏には埃がたまっていた | Dust had accumulated in the attic. | - | - | - |
[用例]夏は卵がすぐに腐る | Eggs go rotten quickly in summer. | - | - | - |
[用例]彼は彼女の言葉をきっぱりと否定した | He gave a flat contradiction to her statement. | - | - | - |
[用例]彼は小柄だが頑丈だ | He is small but sturdy. | - | - | - |
[用例]彼はまったく父親に生き写しだ | He is the very counterpart of his father. | - | - | - |
[用例]彼は自分が正しいと言い張っている | He persisted in saying that he is right. | - | - | - |
[用例]彼は軽快な足取りで歩いた | He walked with a jaunty step. | - | - | - |
[用例]彼は偉大な音楽家になる運命にあった | He was destined to become a great musician. | - | - | - |
[用例]彼はその件では決然とした態度をとった | He was resolute in the matter. | - | - | - |
[用例]彼は彼女の失敗を大目に見た | He was tolerant of her failure. | - | - | - |
[用例]彼はこの証拠から明確な結論を出すだろう | He will draw clear inferences from the evidence. | - | - | - |
[用例]秀吉は城を奪取した | Hideyoshi seized a castle. | - | - | - |
[用例]彼と彼女の暇な時間は一致しなかった | His free time never coincided with hers. | - | - | - |
[用例]彼の手紙を読むと私は不安な気持ちになった | His letter inclined me to anxiety. | - | - | - |
[用例]彼の小説は長い間大変人気がある | His novel has been in great vogue for a long time. | - | - | - |
[用例]彼の研究はそれが統計上有意であることを実証した | His study demonstrated that it is statistically significant. | - | - | - |
His way of speaking reminds one of his father= | His way of speaking is reminiscent of his father. | - | - | - |
[用例]彼を捕虜にしておけ | Hole him captive. | - | - | - |
[用例]私は運命を甘受した | I accepted my fate with resignation. | - | - | - |
[用例]とちらとも取れる返事はいらない | I don't need an ambiguous reply. | - | - | - |
[用例]私は父をこの上なく尊敬している | I have the utmost respect for my father. | - | - | - |
[用例]私は目的達成のために日々努力している | I have tried hard everyday for the attainment of my purpose. | - | - | - |
[用例]私は借金の支払いに100ドルを充てる | I make an appropriation of 100 dollars for payment of debt. | - | - | - |
[用例]彼に敬意を表してその会に出席します | I pay the compliment of attending the meeting. | - | - | - |
[用例]私は豊かな金の鉱脈を掘り当てた | I struck a rich vein of gold. | - | - | - |
[用例]私は訴追免除が認められた | I was granted immunity from prosecution. | - | - | - |
[用例]CDを無断で録音し売るのは違法である | It is illegal to pirate recordings of CD and sell music. | - | - | - |
[用例]最後に皆様方のご協力に感謝いたします | Lastly..I want to thank all of you for your cooperation. | - | - | - |
[用例]犯罪防止キャンペーンを始めよう | Let's begin a crusade against crime. | - | - | - |
[用例]牛乳が腐る | Milk goes sour. | - | - | - |
[用例]上司は私のアイデアを鼻先でせせら笑った | My boss snorted at my idea. | - | - | - |
[用例]些細なことは省きなさい | Omit the insignificant detail. | - | - | - |
[用例]詩は強い感情が自然にあふれ出た者である(By W.Wordsworth) | Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings. | - | - | - |
[用例]彼女は彼を逆上させた | She drove him into a frenzy. | - | - | - |
[用例]彼女は自分の容姿に不安がある | She is insecure about her looks. | - | - | - |
[用例]彼女は音楽に堪能だ | She is proficient in music. | - | - | - |
[用例]彼女は外見が姉と似ているが性格は異なる | She resembles her sister in appearance but not in character. | - | - | - |
[用例]彼女は不意の客に対しても丁寧だった | She was gracious even to unexpected visitors. | - | - | - |
[用例]彼女は多くの誘惑に耐えた | She withstood a lot of temptation. | - | - | - |
[用例]内気なため新入生はクラスで自由に話しができなかった | Shyness inhibited the new student from talking freely in class. | - | - | - |
[用例]首相は世界平和に影響を及ぼす重大な会議に出席した | The Prime Minister attended to the earnest conference affecting world peace. | - | - | - |
[用例]国連はテロに関しての報復措置の採決をとった | The UN took a vote for reciprocal action over the terrorism. | - | - | - |
[用例]会社は不況の打撃から立ち直ることができなかった | The company was not able to recover from the effects of the recession. | - | - | - |
[用例]作物は洪水でだめになった | The crops were ruined by the flood. | - | - | - |
[用例]その子にとって離婚は心に残る傷となった | The divorce was traumatic for the child. | - | - | - |
[用例]医者は病人に絶対安静を命じた | The doctor prescribed complete rest for the patient. | - | - | - |
[用例]彼はドアに指を挟んだ | The door pinched his finger. | - | - | - |
300 語中 1~50番目 / 次 »