Word List

5 Unification of Ancient Orient

13 語中 1~13番目

問題 解答 出題数 習得度 苦手度
Achaemenid Empire stretched from the northern part of the Aegean Sea (the Aegean Sea エーゲ海) Achaemenid Empire stretched from the northern part of the Aegean Sea - - -
Assyria was destroyed by the allied forces of Media and Neo-Babylonia Assyria was destroyed by the allied forces of Media and Neo-Babylonia - - -
But Orient people rebelled against the Assyrian Kingdom But Orient people rebelled against the Assyrian Kingdom - - -
By the time of King Dareios I. the empire stretched to the Indus River By the time of King Dareios I. the empire stretched to the Indus River - - -
In the 6th century bc. the Persian Achaemenid Empire was founded (the Persian Achaemenid アケメネス朝ペルシア) In the 6th century bc. the Persian Achaemenid Empire was founded - - -
The Achaemenid Empire was defeated by Greece in the Greco-Persian Wars (the Greco-Persian Wars ペルシア戦争) The Achaemenid Empire was defeated by Greece in the Greco-Persian Wars - - -
The Achaemenid region was conquered by Alexander the Great of Macedonia (Alexander the Great アレクサンドロス王) The Achaemenid region was conquered by Alexander the Great of Macedonia - - -
The Assyrian kingdom used tanks and iron weapons to expand The Assyrian kingdom used tanks and iron weapons to expand - - -
The Assyrian kingdom was established in northern Mesopotamia The Assyrian kingdom was established in northern Mesopotamia - - -
The Greco-Persian Wars happened in the 5th century BC The Greco-Persian Wars happened in the 5th century BC - - -
The Orient is today's the Middle East including Egypt and Mesopotamia The Orient is today's the Middle East including Egypt and Mesopotamia - - -
The Orient means the east in Greek The Orient means the east in Greek - - -
They conquered all the Orient in around the 7th century bc They conquered all the Orient in around the 7th century bc - - -

13 語中 1~13番目
