Word List

8 The Roman Empire

18 語中 1~18番目

問題 解答 出題数 習得度 苦手度
Anthonius. Lepidus and Octavianus took control (take control 政権を握る) Anthonius. Lepidus and Octavianus took control - - -
Caesar had become a virtual dictator (a virtual dictator 事実上の独裁者) Caesar had become a virtual dictator - - -
Caesar took control of Gaul and defeated Pompeius (Gaul ゴール:現在のフランス) Caesar took control of Gaul and defeated Pompeius - - -
Caesar was killed by the group of Senators including Brutus Caesar was killed by the group of Senators including Brutus - - -
In the year 27 bc. Octavianus broke down the civil war In the year 27 bc. Octavianus broke down the civil war - - -
Octavianus took full control by defeating Anthonius in the Battle of Actium (the Battle of Actium アクティウム海戦) Octavianus took full control by defeating Anthonius in the Battle of Actium - - -
Octavianus was then given the honorific title Augustus (the honorific title 尊厳者としての称号) Octavianus was then given the honorific title Augustus - - -
Pompeius. Caesar and Crassus signed a secret agreement against the Senate (sign a secret agreement 密約を結ぶ) Pompeius. Caesar and Crassus signed a secret agreement against the Senate - - -
Rome conquered almost all of the Mediterranean region Rome conquered almost all of the Mediterranean region - - -
Rome defeated Carthage of North Africa in the Punic Wars (the Punic Wars ポエニ戦争) Rome defeated Carthage of North Africa in the Punic Wars - - -
Rome took the control of Macedonia and Greece Rome took the control of Macedonia and Greece - - -
Rome unified the Italian Peninsula Rome unified the Italian Peninsula - - -
Rome was a city-state founded by the Latins by the Tiber river (the Tiber river ティベル河畔) Rome was a city-state founded by the Latins by the Tiber river - - -
The Roman Empire was born with Octavianus as its virtual emperor (オクタヴィアヌスを皇帝としたローマ帝国が誕生した) The Roman Empire was born with Octavianus as its virtual emperor - - -
The Senate was made up of aristocrats as its lifetime members (貴族が終身議員となる元老院) The Senate was made up of aristocrats as its lifetime members - - -
The three came to power (come to power 政権を握る) The three came to power - - -
They established a republic centered on the Senate (the Senate 元老院) They established a republic centered on the Senate - - -
With the expansion of Roman power. a civil war went on in Rome (a civil war went on 内乱がつづいた) With the expansion of Roman power. a civil war went on in Rome - - -

18 語中 1~18番目
