Word List

23 Establishment of Absolutism

21 語中 1~21番目

問題 解答 出題数 習得度 苦手度
After Italian War as Spanish King Carlos I served as Holy Roman one After Italian War as Spanish King Carlos I served as Holy Roman one - - -
An alliance with France against the increasing power of Habsburg (強大化するハプスブルク家を嫌うように) An alliance with France against the increasing power of Habsburg - - -
England of Elizabeth I is known as absolutist state (absolutist state:絶対主義国家) England of Elizabeth I is known as absolutist state - - -
France invaded Italy in 1494 starting the Italian Wars (イタリア戦争) France invaded Italy in 1494 starting the Italian Wars - - -
France of Louis XIV is also known as absolutist state France of Louis XIV is also known as absolutist state - - -
Italian cities and England formed an alliance with France (イタリア諸都市とイギリスは途中からフランスと同盟した) Italian cities and England formed an alliance with France - - -
Sovereign states developed alliance diplomacy (Sovereign states:主権国家) Sovereign states developed alliance diplomacy - - -
Spain of Philip II is also known as absolutist state Spain of Philip II is also known as absolutist state - - -
Spanish King Carlos I was called Karl V in the Holy Roman Empire Spanish King Carlos I was called Karl V in the Holy Roman Empire - - -
Spanish King served also as the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire (スペイン王が神聖ローマ帝国の皇帝を兼ねた) Spanish King served also as the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire - - -
The European nations began working toward a unified government (統一した統治を目指した) The European nations began working toward a unified government - - -
The Habsburg fought against the House of Valois in France (ハプスブルグvsフランス inイタリア戦争の最中) The Habsburg fought against the House of Valois in France - - -
The Habsburg.Italian cities.Spain and England fought in an alliance The Habsburg.Italian cities.Spain and England fought in an alliance - - -
The Italian Wars ended in 1559 The Italian Wars ended in 1559 - - -
The house of Habsburg in the Holy Roman Empire (申請ローマ帝国のハプスブルク家) The house of Habsburg in the Holy Roman Empire - - -
The kings arranged their standing armies and the bureaucracy (standing army:常備軍) The kings arranged their standing armies and the bureaucracy - - -
The kings gained absolute power and this is called absolute monarchism (absolute monarchism:絶対王政) The kings gained absolute power and this is called absolute monarchism - - -
The lords losing their power built a relationship with the kings The lords losing their power built a relationship with the kings - - -
The merchants did a huge overseas trade The merchants did a huge overseas trade - - -
This alliance was developed to hold the balance of power (balance of power:勢力均衡) This alliance was developed to hold the balance of power - - -
To prepare for the monetary and personnel requirements of war (monetary and personnel requirement:金と人の要求) To prepare for the monetary and personnel requirements of war - - -

21 語中 1~21番目
