Word List

25 The Rise of the UK and Absolutism in France

17 語中 1~17番目

問題 解答 出題数 習得度 苦手度
A bureaucracy wasn't formed so the king had to work with gentry (ジェントリと協力しなくてはならなかった) A bureaucracy wasn't formed so the king had to work with gentry - - -
After Huguenot Wars the Bourbon Monarchy came to its peak (全盛を迎えた) After Huguenot Wars the Bourbon Monarchy came to its peak - - -
As the gentry fenced more pasture for wool production (fence pasture:牧草地を囲い込む) As the gentry fenced more pasture for wool production - - -
During the reign of Louis XIII the Prime Minister Richelieu governed (宰相リシュリューが政治した) During the reign of Louis XIII the Prime Minister Richelieu governed - - -
Elizabeth I attempted earnestly to gain colonies (植民地の獲得) Elizabeth I attempted earnestly to gain colonies - - -
England moved into India and North Africa (move into:進出する) England moved into India and North Africa - - -
Gentry is the local representative large landowners Gentry is the local representative large landowners - - -
Henri IV enacted the Edict of Nantes ending Huguenot Wars (Edict of Nantes:ナント勅令) Henri IV enacted the Edict of Nantes ending Huguenot Wars - - -
Henri IV of Bourbon converted to the Catholic Church (ブルボン朝のヘンリ4世がカトリックに改宗した) Henri IV of Bourbon converted to the Catholic Church - - -
In France the Huguenot Wars broke out (ユグノー戦争) In France the Huguenot Wars broke out - - -
In late 15th century the king of the Tudor Dynasty increased its power (テューダー朝) In late 15th century the king of the Tudor Dynasty increased its power - - -
Louis XIV built the luxurious palace of Versailles (豪華なヴェルサイユ宮殿) Louis XIV built the luxurious palace of Versailles - - -
Louis boasted that The state it is himself Louis boasted that The state it is himself - - -
Richelieu shut down the Estates-General to increase the king's rights (Estates-General:三部会) Richelieu shut down the Estates-General to increase the king's rights - - -
Richelieu suppressed the influential nobles and Huguenots (influential noble:大貴族) Richelieu suppressed the influential nobles and Huguenots - - -
The rule of Bourbon continued until the French Revolution The rule of Bourbon continued until the French Revolution - - -
ユグノー戦争が起こった due to the conflict between new and old religious sects due to the conflict between new and old religious sects - - -

17 語中 1~17番目
