Word List

26 Preussen and Austria

15 語中 1~15番目

問題 解答 出題数 習得度 苦手度
After the War Preussen started gaining power in nothern Germany After the War Preussen started gaining power in nothern Germany - - -
Austria lost in the 7Years' War to Preussen with the suport of England (墺vsプロイセン.英) Austria lost in the 7Years' War to Preussen with the suport of England - - -
France was enemy over the years against Preussen (仏は長年プロイセンと敵対していた) France was enemy over the years against Preussen - - -
In 1618 Bohemian Protestants started the 30Years' War against Catholicism In 1618 Bohemian Protestants started the 30Years' War against Catholicism - - -
King Fredrick II occupied Silesia as mining and industrial area (鉱業かつ工業の地帯として) King Fredrick II occupied Silesia as mining and industrial area - - -
Opposing Preussen the Austrian Maria Theresia succeeded to the throne Opposing Preussen the Austrian Maria Theresia succeeded to the throne - - -
Preussen kept the control over Silesia (プロイセンはシュレジエンを確保した) Preussen kept the control over Silesia - - -
Preussen successfully established itself as a power in the region (その地域の権力としての地位を築いた) Preussen successfully established itself as a power in the region - - -
Preussen took control of Silesia by defeating Austria in the War (プロイセンvsオーストリア.オーストリア継承戦争にて) Preussen took control of Silesia by defeating Austria in the War - - -
The 30Years' War continued throughout the Holy Roman Empire (神聖ローマ帝国を舞台として続いた) The 30Years' War continued throughout the Holy Roman Empire - - -
The conclusion of the Peace of Westphalia in 1648 The conclution of the Peace of Westphalia in 1648 - - -
The rule of Bourbon continued until the French Revolution The rule of Bourbon continued until the French Revolution - - -
This War continued until the conclusion of the Peace of Westphalia (ウェストファリア条約の締結まで続いた) This War continued until the conclusion of the Peace of Westphalia - - -
To regain Silesia. Maria Theresia signed an alliance with France (シュレジエンを取り戻すため) To regain Silesia. Maria Theresia signed an alliance with France - - -
the War of the Austrian Succession (オーストリア継承戦争) the War of the Austrian Succession - - -

15 語中 1~15番目
