19 語中 1~19番目
問題 | 解答▲ | 出題数 | 習得度 | 苦手度 |
After the Battle of Waterloo Napoleon was sent off to St.Helena (セントヘレナ島へ流された) | After the Battle of Waterloo Napoleon was sent off to St.Helena | - | - | - |
But Napoleon was completely defeated in the Battle of Waterloo (ワーテルローの戦い) | But Napoleon was completely defeated in the Battle of Waterloo | - | - | - |
Commander Napoleon Bonaparte became famous for defeating the Austrian army (司令官ナポレオン) | Commander Napoleon Bonaparte became famous for defeating the Austrian army | - | - | - |
France had the 1st Coalition formed mainly by England (対仏大同盟を結ばれた) | France had the 1st Coalition formed mainly by England | - | - | - |
France made enemies of the countries of Europe (ヨーロッパ諸国を敵に回した) | France made enemies of the countries of Europe | - | - | - |
Napoleon became emperor through the people's election (人民投票を通じて皇帝になった) | Napoleon became emperor through the people's election | - | - | - |
Napoleon defeated Preussen.Russia.and Austria | Napoleon defeated Preussen.Russia.and Austria | - | - | - |
Napoleon formed the French Consulate and took power (French Consulate:統領政府) | Napoleon formed the French Consulate and took power | - | - | - |
Napoleon lived the rest of his life at St.Helena | Napoleon lived the rest of his life at St.Helena | - | - | - |
Napoleon returned to Paris taking the throne again | Napoleon returned to Paris taking the throne again | - | - | - |
Napoleon took control of most of continental Europe | Napoleon took control of most of continental Europe | - | - | - |
Napoleon was defeated in the Battle of Leipzig (ライプチヒの戦い) | Napoleon was defeated in the Battle of Leipzig | - | - | - |
Napoleon was made to give up the throne and was sent off to Elba (エルバ島に流された) | Napoleon was made to give up the throne and was sent off to Elba | - | - | - |
Napoleon's Continental System banned countries from trading with England (大陸封鎖令で諸国にイギリスとの通商を禁じた) | Napoleon's Continental System banned countries from trading with England | - | - | - |
Napoleon's Russian campaign in 1812 was a failure (Russian campaign:ロシアへの遠征) | Napoleon's Russian campaign in 1812 was a failure | - | - | - |
Other countries seized this chance to begin wars of liberation (war of liberation:解放戦争) | Other countries seized this chance to begin wars of liberation | - | - | - |
Russia exported farm products to England in spite of the 大陸封鎖令 | Russia exported farm products to England in spite of the | - | - | - |
The 1st Coalition was against the French Revolution (対仏大同盟は仏革命への敵対的行為だった) | The 1st Coalition was against the French Revolution | - | - | - |
The French navy defeated the British navy at the Battle of Trafalgar (トラファルガーの戦い) | The French navy defeated the British navy at the Battle of Trafalgar | - | - | - |
19 語中 1~19番目