23 語中 1~23番目
問題 | 解答▲ | 出題数 | 習得度 | 苦手度 |
Cartwright invented the power loom (the power loom:力織機) | Cartwright invented the power loom | - | - | - |
England also had a large labor force (豊富な労働力) | England also had a large labor force | - | - | - |
England had many overseas markets (広大な海外市場) | England had many overseas markets | - | - | - |
England had natural resources such as coal and iron (天然資源) | England had natural resources such as coal and iron | - | - | - |
Improved steam engine was used to power machinery (機械の動力源に使われた) | Improved steam engine was used to power machinery | - | - | - |
Improved weaving process efficiency led to a yarn shortage (a yarn shortage:糸不足) | Improved weaving process efficiency led to a yarn shortage | - | - | - |
Innovations made mass production possible (大量生産を可能にした) | Innovations made mass production possible | - | - | - |
Innovations started in the cotton industry (技術革新は綿工業から始まった) | Innovations started in the cotton industry | - | - | - |
Make O popular 普及させる | Make O popular | - | - | - |
So many weaving machine made the mass production of cotton yarn possible (cotton yarn:綿糸) | So many weaving machine made the mass production of cotton yarn possible | - | - | - |
Steamboats from Fulton were gradually in common use (しだいに利用されるようになった) | Steamboats from Fulton were gradually in common use | - | - | - |
Stephenson's steam locomotive made land transport by rail popular (鉄道による陸上運送が普及した) | Stephenson's steam locomotive made land transport by rail popular | - | - | - |
The flying shuttle improved weaving process efficiency (飛び杼によって織布工程は効率よくなった) | The flying shuttle improved weaving process efficiency | - | - | - |
The flying shuttle invented by John Kay (ジョン=ケイによって発明された飛び杼) | The flying shuttle invented by John Kay | - | - | - |
The manufacturing advanced motorization of production (工場制の手工業は生産の動力化を発展させた) | The manufacturing advanced motorization of production | - | - | - |
The manufacturing advanced the mechanization (工場制の手工業は機械化を発展させた) | The manufacturing advanced the mechanization | - | - | - |
The practical application 実用化 | The practical application | - | - | - |
The practical application of Stephenson's steam locomotive (スティーヴンソンによる蒸気機関車の実用化) | The practical application of Stephenson's steam locomotive | - | - | - |
The spinning Jenny invented by James Hargreaves (ハーグリーヴズによって発明されたジェニー紡績機) | The spinning Jenny invented by James Hargreaves | - | - | - |
The spinning mule invented by Samuel Crompton (クロンプトンによって発明されたミュール紡績機) | The spinning mule invented by Samuel Crompton | - | - | - |
The water frame invented by Richard Arkwright (アークライトによって発明された水力紡績機) | The water frame invented by Richard Arkwright | - | - | - |
These factors led to the world's 1st Industrial Revolution in 18th (These factors led to..こうして..が起こった) | These factors led to the world's 1st Industrial Revolution in 18th | - | - | - |
Watt improved the steam engine (steam engine:蒸気機関) | Watt improved the steam engine | - | - | - |
23 語中 1~23番目