16 語中 1~16番目
問題 | 解答▲ | 出題数 | 習得度 | 苦手度 |
A revolution of 1848 occurred in Paris again and the king was exiled | A revolution of 1848 occurred in Paris again and the king was exiled | - | - | - |
After the Bourbon Restoration of Charles X (シャルル10世の王政復古の後) | After the Bourbon Restoration of Charles X | - | - | - |
Louis Napoleon became dictator by the people (by the people:人民投票で) | Louis Napoleon became dictator by the people | - | - | - |
Louis Napoleon named himself Napoleon III | Louis Napoleon named himself Napoleon III | - | - | - |
Louis Napoleon was elected president due to a nephew of Napoleon I | Louis Napoleon was elected president due to a nephew of Napoleon I | - | - | - |
Louis XVIII adopted reactionary policies protecting the aristocrats (reactionary policy:反動政治) | Louis XVIII adopted reactionary policies protecting the aristocrats | - | - | - |
Louis XVIII protected the aristocrats and the Catholic Church | Louis XVIII protected the aristocrats and the Catholic Church | - | - | - |
Napoleon III started the Second Empire (第二帝政) | Napoleon III started the Second Empire | - | - | - |
The July Monarchy caused a severely restrictive election system (厳しい制限選挙) | The July Monarchy caused a severely restrictive election system | - | - | - |
The Liberalists Louis Philippe of Orleans was crowned king (ルイ=フィリップが国王に迎えられた) | The Liberalists Louis Philippe of Orleans was crowned king | - | - | - |
The Liberalists opposed strongly by reactionary policies (反動政治により自由主義者の反発が強まった) | The Liberalists opposed strongly by reactionary policies | - | - | - |
The people of Paris revolted in July 1830 and シャルル10世は追放された | The people of Paris revolted in July 1830 and | - | - | - |
This victory of Liberalists is known as the July Revolution | This victory of Liberalists is known as the July Revolution | - | - | - |
7月王政が brought about the predominance of great bourgeoisie such as bankers (大ブルジョアジーの優勢をもたらした) | brought about the predominance of great bourgeoisie such as bankers | - | - | - |
7月革命後 the Industrial Revolution in France was in full swing (in full swing:本格化して) | the Industrial Revolution in France was in full swing | - | - | - |
1848年の2月に the movement claiming to reform election laws was suppressed (reform election laws:選挙法を改正する) | the movement claiming to reform election laws was suppressed | - | - | - |
16 語中 1~16番目