Word List

41 The Unification of Germany and Italy

16 語中 1~16番目

問題 解答 出題数 習得度 苦手度
1861 the Kingdom of Italy was established and Emanuele II became 最初の王になった 1861 the Kingdom of Italy was established and Emanuele II became - - -
Bismarck advanced German unification under the Iron and Blood Policy (鉄血政策:Iron and Blood Policyの下でドイツ統一を進めた) Bismarck advanced German unification under the Iron and Blood Policy - - -
Emanuele II was able to unify Italy in 1870 オーストリア領のヴェネツィアを併合し、ローマ教皇領を占領することで Emanuele II was able to unify Italy in 1870 - - -
In 1871 Wilhelm I became the German Emperor establishing the German Empire (ヴィルヘルムI世.ドイツ帝国:German Empire) In 1871 Wilhelm I became the German Emperor establishing the German Empire - - -
In Italy the Kingdom of Sardinia worked to unify Italy (サルディーニャ国王) In Italy the Kingdom of Sardinia worked to unify Italy - - -
Iron and Blood Policy means mainly a stronger military (軍事力の強化) Iron and Blood Policy means mainly a stronger military - - -
Italy and Germany were split into many countries 19世紀後半まで Italy and Germany were split into many countries - - -
Italy and Napoleon III fought against Austria and won the war Italy and Napoleon III fought against Austria and won the war - - -
Occupy the Papal States in the Franco-Prussian War (普仏戦争によってローマ教皇領:Papal Statesを占領する) Occupy the Papal States in the Franco-Prussian War - - -
Preussen won in both the Austro-Prussian and the Franco-Prussian wars (普墺・普仏の両戦争に勝った) Preussen won in both the Austro-Prussian and the Franco-Prussian wars - - -
Prime minister Cavour promoted modernization (カヴール首相が近代化を進めた) Prime minister Cavour promoted modernization - - -
Prime minister Cavour signed a secret agreement with Napoleon III (密約を結んだ) Prime minister Cavour signed a secret agreement with Napoleon III - - -
Take control of the Austrian controlled Venice in the Austro-Prussian War (普墺戦争によってオーストリアのヴェネツィア:Veniceを併合する) Take control of the Austrian controlled Venice in the Austro-Prussian War - - -
The German Customs Union was established mainly with Preussen (プロイセンとドイツ関税同盟:German Customs Unionが結ばれた) The German Customs Union was established mainly with Preussen - - -
The Prussian King Wilhelm I appointed Bismarck as prime minister (ビスマルクを首相に任命した) The Prussian King Wilhelm I appointed Bismarck as prime minister - - -
Under the authority of King Vittorio Emanuele II Under the authority of King Vittorio Emanuele II - - -

16 語中 1~16番目
