17 語中 1~17番目
問題 | 解答▲ | 出題数 | 習得度 | 苦手度 |
Aleksandr II issued the Emancipation Reform in 1861 (農奴解放令:Emancipation Reform) | Aleksandr II issued the Emancipation Reform in 1861 | - | - | - |
Claim to protect Greek Orthodox Christians in Ottoman Empire (ギリシア正教徒の保護を要求する) | Claim to protect Greek Orthodox Christians in Ottoman Empire | - | - | - |
Conflict arose between Russia and European powers アジア進出という意図が重なったために | Conflict arose between Russia and European powers | - | - | - |
Emperor Aleksandr II keenly felt the necessity of reforms (改革の必要性を痛感した) | Emperor Aleksandr II keenly felt the necessity of reforms | - | - | - |
Great Britain and France joined the war on the side of the Ottoman帝国 (the war =Crimean War. 味方して:on the side of) | Great Britain and France joined the war on the side of the Ottoman | - | - | - |
In response これに対して | In response | - | - | - |
Independence movements of their various ethnic groups (諸民族の独立運動) | Independence movements of their various ethnic groups | - | - | - |
Russia carried on moving southward in an effort to attain the way out 黒海の不凍港から地中海への(出口:way outを求めて南下政策をした) | Russia carried on moving southward in an effort to attain the way out | - | - | - |
Russia lost the Crimean War ロシアはクリミア戦争に負けた | Russia lost the Crimean War | - | - | - |
Russia started a war against the Ottoman Empire in 1853 ギリシア正教徒の保護を要求して | Russia started a war against the Ottoman Empire in 1853 | - | - | - |
Russian advances southward failed after the Crimean War (南下政策は失敗) | Russian advances southward failed after the Crimean War | - | - | - |
Russian defeat in the Crimean War クリミア戦争におけるロシアの敗北 | Russian defeat in the Crimean War | - | - | - |
The revolt in Poland and peasant revolts led to increased 専制政治 (農民一揆:peasant revoltsで専制政治が強まった) | The revolt in Poland and peasant revolts led to increased | - | - | - |
The weakening of the Ottoman Empire encouraged the 諸民族の独立運動 | The weakening of the Ottoman Empire encouraged the | - | - | - |
ice-free ports in the Black Sea 黒海の不凍港 | ice-free ports in the Black Sea | - | - | - |
make Russian backwardness known ロシアの後進性を明らかにする | make Russian backwardness known | - | - | - |
オスマン帝国で起こった諸民族の独立運動は which led European powers to plan their expansion into Asia (ヨーロッパ列強:European powersのアジア進出) | which led European powers to plan their expansion into Asia | - | - | - |
17 語中 1~17番目