21 語中 1~21番目
問題 | 解答▲ | 出題数 | 習得度 | 苦手度 |
3C policy in Cairo. Cape Town and Calcutta (Calcutta=today's Kolkata) | 3C policy in Cairo. Cape Town and Calcutta | - | - | - |
After the depression in 1870s 1870年代の不況の後に | After the depression in 1870s | - | - | - |
Britain advanced the 3C policy in which they colonized Cairo. ケープタウン.カルカッタin India | Britain advanced the 3C policy in which they colonized Cairo | - | - | - |
Britain's 3C policy conflicted with France's trans-African policy (trans-African policy:横断政策) | Britain's 3C policy conflicted with France's trans-African policy | - | - | - |
In 1898 the Fashoda Incident occurred (ファショダ事件が起こった) | In 1898 the Fashoda Incident occurred | - | - | - |
Invest the capital in markets to export products to (製品の輸出市場に資本を投資する) | Invest the capital in markets to export products to | - | - | - |
Invest the capital in the supply areas of row materials (原材料の供給地に資本を投資する) | Invest the capital in the supply areas of row materials | - | - | - |
Many countries in Africa and Asia became colonies of the powers | Many countries in Africa and Asia became colonies of the powers | - | - | - |
The Congress of Berlin was held during 1884 and 1885 最初に占領した国が領有権を持つという原則が決まった | The Congress of Berlin was held during 1884 and 1885 | - | - | - |
The borders decided by the powers in disregard of the ethnic distribution (民族分布を無視して決定された国境線) | The borders decided by the powers in disregard of the ethnic distribution | - | - | - |
The industrialized capitalist nations of these Western countries 先進資本主義諸国 | The industrialized capitalist nations of these Western countries | - | - | - |
The principle that the 1st occupying country would get 領有権 | The principle that the 1st occupying country would get | - | - | - |
The racial clashes used for the control of their colonies (植民地支配のために利用された部族対立) | The racial clashes used for the control of their colonies | - | - | - |
The territorial rights 領有権 | The territorial rights | - | - | - |
The world powers competed on the back of their military forces 植民地を求めて (軍事力を背景に競争を繰り広げた) | The world powers competed on the back of their military forces | - | - | - |
The world powers were seeking markets to invest their capital (列強は資本の投下先を探していた) | The world powers were seeking markets to invest their capital | - | - | - |
These action of investing are called Imperialism (こうした投資の動きを帝国主義という) | These action of investing are called Imperialism | - | - | - |
先進資本主義諸国は are called the world powers (列強:the world powersと呼ばれた) | are called the world powers | - | - | - |
ベルリン会議の「先の占領=領有権」という原則により promoting the division of Africa by the world powers (アフリカ分割) | promoting the division of Africa by the world powers | - | - | - |
植民地支配のために利用された部族対立が still have serious bad influences on African countries today | still have serious bad influences on African countries today | - | - | - |
the financial capital and the monopoly capital were formed in 欧米諸国 (金融資本:financial-capitalと独占資本:monopoly capitalが形成された) | the financial capital and the monopoly capital were formed in | - | - | - |
21 語中 1~21番目