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TOEIC 700点 単語集 フレーズも


237 語中 1~50番目 / 次 »

問題 解答 出題数 習得度 苦手度
[用例〕特別条例が発動された A special ordinance was put into effect. - - -
[用例〕妊娠中絶はかなり議論の多い問題だ Abortion is a highly controversial subject. - - -
[用例〕というわけで、その犯人は5年刑務所に入るだろう Accordingly..the criminal will serve five years in jail. - - -
[用例〕彼はたとえ病気であってもいつでも笑っている Although he is sick..he always smiles. - - -
[用例〕再開発によって地域にい便益が生ずる Benefits accrue to the community from reconstruction. - - -
[用例〕車の排気ガスは都市の深刻な汚染を引き起こしている Car exhaust causes serious pollution in towns. - - -
[用例〕軽率さが彼の主な特徴である Carelessness is his principle feature. - - -
[用例〕キャシーは英語を教える能力がない Cathy is incompetent to teach English. - - -
[用例〕近年、化学は驚くべき進歩を遂げてきた Chemistry has made notable progress in recent years. - - -
[用例〕この冬風邪が大流行である Colds are prevalent this winter. - - -
[用例〕今日の通貨の値下がりは深刻な世界的問題だ Currency depreciation is a serious global issue right now. - - -
[用例〕あちこちにがれきの山ができていた Debris lay in heaps here and there. - - -
[用例〕それは退屈で根気のいる仕事だと思わなかったの? Didn't you think it was a boring laborious work? - - -
[用例〕それは朝食込みの値段ですか Does that price include breakfast? - - -
[用例〕宿題をさっさとやりなさい Don't procrastinate your homework. - - -
[用例〕雇用が停滞し続けた Employment continued to lag. - - -
[用例〕ぶつかられたあとでもその棒はまっすぐに立っていた Even after it was hit..the pole was still upright. - - -
[用例〕彼は威圧的に見えるがとても分別のある人間だ Even though he looks intimidating..he is a down-to-earth guy. - - -
[用例〕現行の法律は人種の多様性を考慮していない Existing legislation doesn't take diversity of races into account. - - -
[用例〕彼は表面上は陰険そうに見える He appears sly on the surface. - - -
[用例〕彼は模型飛行機を作るのに時間を費やす He expends time on making model airplanes. - - -
[用例〕彼は会社の機密性を犯し会社を首になった He got fired by a breach of confidentiality of company. - - -
[用例〕彼は元気で精力的に成長した He grew up to be a lusty and vigorous man. - - -
[用例〕彼は秘書に本文と写しを読み合わさせた He had his secretary read out and collate the copy with the original. - - -
[用例〕彼は仕事の進め方に次いで明確な考えを持っていない He has no distinct idea of how to proceed. - - -
[用例〕彼は自由を支持する理想をもっている He has the ideal of upholding liberty. - - -
[用例〕彼は正装しています He is dressed in formal attire. - - -
[用例〕彼はおばあちゃんを大層大事にする He is very attentive to his grandmother. - - -
[用例〕あいつが臭い He looks suspicious. - - -
[用例〕彼は二つの保険規約にともに入っている He registered for two insurance policies concurrently. - - -
[用例〕彼はそれを叱責の意味にとった He took it for an implied rebuke - - -
[用例〕彼は多くの会社を監査した He used to audit many companies. - - -
[用例〕彼は残りの仕事を免除された He was excused from the remainder of the work. - - -
[用例〕彼は交通事故で一生残るけがを負った He was maimed for life in the traffic accident. - - -
[用例〕暴動の原因についての彼の分析は正しかった His analysis of the causes of the uprising was correct. - - -
[用例〕彼の考えは馬鹿にされた His idea was greeted with derision. - - -
[用例〕援助を求めることは彼の誇りが許さなかった His pride didn't allow him to ask for help. - - -
[用例〕彼の勝利は将来のいい兆候だね His winning is a good indication of a bright future. - - -
[用例〕豊かさの配分は大問題だ How to distribute abundance is a great problem. - - -
[用例〕彼が信頼できることは君に保障できる I can assure you of his reliability. - - -
[用例〕莫大な利益の誘惑に勝てなかった I could not resist the lure of great profits. - - -
[用例〕私は人権侵害に反対だ I don't agree with violation of human rights. - - -
[用例〕本を読んで多くの斬新な考えに出くわした I encountered many novel ideas in my readings. - - -
[用例〕旅から戻ってから物憂い感じがする I feel languid from trip. - - -
[用例〕私は詩が好きな傾向がある I have an inclination for poetry. - - -
[用例〕ラジオを修理するために分解した I took the radio apart to repair it. - - -
[用例〕こんな熟練した仕事人と時を過ごせて光栄でした I was honored to spend time with such an accomplished businessman. - - -
[用例〕残念ながら彼女の成功を確信していません I'm sorry but I'm not confident of her success. - - -
[用例〕ついに剣道のこつをつかんだ I've finally got the knack of kendo. - - -
[用例〕万一獲物が死に絶えれば、狩人がいなくなるだろう If the hunted should perish..the hunter would..too. - - -

237 語中 1~50番目 / 次 »
