Word List

スカイプ英会話 7二重目的語

13 語中 1~13番目

問題 解答 出題数 習得度 苦手度
Again. I won't you lend any money (またか、金はもう貸さないよ) Again. I won't you lend any money - - -
Chocolate sells best in February (チョコは2月に売れる) Chocolate sells best in February - - -
Do you spare you any side business ?(副業する?) Do you spare you any side business - - -
Eh? you will loan me money? (え、利子とるの?) Eh. you will loan me money - - -
I denied my son any allowance (子供に一切おこづかいあげなかった) I denied my son any allowance - - -
I wish you a Merry Christmas (楽しいクリスマスになりますように) I wish you a Merry Christmas - - -
It takes you time and money(お金も時間もかかる) It takes you time and money - - -
Overwork caused him sudden heart attack(過労のせいで心臓まひだ) Overwork caused him sudden heart attack - - -
Tips save you extra work(コツによって残業しないで済む) Tips save you extra work - - -
Your grandparents left you the grave !(祖父母は立派な墓を残したんだね) Your grandparents left you the grave - - -
boyfriend charges you a bill of restaurant (彼氏にゴハン代を請求される) boy friend charges you a bill of restaurant - - -
government offers you a house(政府が家をくれる) government offers you a house - - -
teacher allowed us 40 minutes(先生が40分くれた) teacher allowed us 40 minutes - - -

13 語中 1~13番目
