73 語中 1~50番目 / 次 »
問題 | 解答▲ | 出題数 | 習得度 | 苦手度 |
0.1 is one part of 1 divided into 10 equal parts 1を10等分した1つ分 | 0.1 is one part of 1 divided into 10 equal parts | - | - | - |
1 digit moves to the left each time it times ten | 1 digit moves to the left each time it times ten | - | - | - |
3 over 7 of the whole book were read | 3 over 7 of the whole book were read | - | - | - |
Decimals小数 | Decimals | - | - | - |
Find how many unread pages are left読んでないページが何ページあるか求めなさい | Find how many unread pages are left | - | - | - |
Find how much yen's worth of gasoline is needed 何円分のガソリンが必要か求めなさい | Find how much yen's worth of gasoline is needed | - | - | - |
Find the cost of 1 liter of gasoline 1リットル当たりのガソリンの値段を求めなさい | Find the cost of 1 liter of gasoline | - | - | - |
Find the production of the multiplicationかけ算の積を求めなさい | Find the production of the multiplication | - | - | - |
Find the quotient of the divisionわり算の商を求めなさい | Find the quotient of the division | - | - | - |
Find the remainder of the divisionわり算のあまりを求めなさい | Find the remainder of the division | - | - | - |
Find the remainder of the subtractionひき算の差を求めなさい | Find the remainder of the subtraction | - | - | - |
Find the sum of the additionたし算の和を求めなさい | Find the sum of the addition | - | - | - |
a book with 70 pages | a book with 70 pages | - | - | - |
addition and subtractionたし算とひし算 | addition and subtraction | - | - | - |
alphabetically. B is the position to the right of A (ABCDEFG...) | alphabetically. B is the position to the right of A | - | - | - |
approximate numbersおおよその数 | approximate numbers | - | - | - |
as expressed as percentage. 0.7 is 70% | as expressed as percentage. 0.7 is 70 | - | - | - |
compare the size of numbers数の大きさを比較する | compare the size of numbers | - | - | - |
dividend割られる数 | dividend | - | - | - |
divisor約数 | divisor | - | - | - |
divisor割る数 | divisor | - | - | - |
eight. four. two. and one are divisors of 8 | eight. four. two. and one are divisors of 8 | - | - | - |
equal or greater than A A以上の数 | equal or greater than | - | - | - |
equal or less than B B以下の数 | equal or less than B | - | - | - |
fifteen plus sixteen equals thirty-one | fifteen plus sixteen equals thirty-one | - | - | - |
four arithmetic operations四則計算 | four arithmetic operations | - | - | - |
four plus six equals ten | four plus six equals ten | - | - | - |
fractions分数 | fractions | - | - | - |
in case we can't divide evenly by division均等に割れない場合 | in case we can't divide evenly by division | - | - | - |
in proper fractions. numerator is smaller than denominator | in proper fractions. numerator is smaller than denominator | - | - | - |
it costs 3000yen to put 15 liters of gasoline into the car | it costs 3000yen to put 15 liters of gasoline into the car | - | - | - |
large numbers and small numbers大きい数と小さい数 | large numbers and small numbers | - | - | - |
million billion trillion | million billion trillion | - | - | - |
mixed fractions帯分数 | mixed fractions | - | - | - |
multiplication and divisionかけ算とわり算 | multiplication and division | - | - | - |
nine minus eight equals one | nine minus eight equals one | - | - | - |
numerator and denominator分子と分母 | numerator and denominator | - | - | - |
odd numbers and even numbers奇数と偶数 | odd numbers and even numbers | - | - | - |
one hundred trillion times ten equals one quadrillion | one hundred trillion times ten equals one quadrillion | - | - | - |
one over ten is one tenth 10分の1 | one over ten is one tenth | - | - | - |
ones place and tens place 1の位と10の位 | ones place and tens place | - | - | - |
parenthesesかっこ()のこと.bracketsやquantitiesともいう | parentheses | - | - | - |
prime numbers素数 | prime numbers | - | - | - |
proper fractions and improper fractions真分数と仮分数(9/8など1より大きい分数) | proper fractions and improper fractions | - | - | - |
rates and percentages割合と百分率 | rates and percentages | - | - | - |
reciprocal逆数 | reciprocal | - | - | - |
round numbers概数 | round numbers | - | - | - |
round off A to the second digit from the top Aを上から2ケタの概数で表す | round off A to the second digit from the top | - | - | - |
round off the third digit from the top 上から3桁目の数字を四捨五入する | round off the third digit from the top | - | - | - |
rounding off and rounding down四捨五入と切り捨て | rounding off and rounding down | - | - | - |
73 語中 1~50番目 / 次 »