Word List

中単6 英語の代詞から学ぶ

24 語中 1~24番目

問題 解答 出題数 習得度 苦手度
吃的东西 something to eat chi de dong xi - - -
从何时到何时 from when until when cong he shi dao he shi - - -
从什么时间开始? from what time start? cong shenme shihou kaishi - - -
大家 everyone da jia - - -
东西 something dong xi - - -
关于汽车的书 book about car guan yu qi che de shu - - -
关于什么? about what? guan yu shen me - - -
喝东西 something to drink he dong xi - - -
可以说英语的人 someone who can speak English keyi shuo ying yu de ren - - -
来自哪里 from where lai zi na li - - -
冷的饮料 something cold to drink leng de yin liao - - -
没有 nothing mei you - - -
没有人 nobody mei you ren - - -
哪个国家 which country nage guo jia - - -
热的东西 something hot re de dong xi - - -
任何东西 anything ren he dong xi - - -
任何人 anyone ren he ren - - -
书关于什么? book about what? shu guan yu shen me - - -
一切 everything yi qie - - -
一些有趣的 something fun yi xie you qu de - - -
有没有人能说英语? Is there someone who can speak English? you mei you ren neng shuo ying yu - - -
有人在吗? anybody here? you ren zai ma - - -
远离 away from yuan li - - -
远离公园 away from park yuan li gong yuan - - -

24 語中 1~24番目
