Word List


37 語中 1~37番目

問題 解答 出題数 習得度 苦手度
HIs grades were a little better than mine. His grades were a bit better than mine. - - -
Her sister can sing just as well. Her sister can sing just as well as Mary. - - -
His second novel is three times the length of his first one. His second novel is three times as long as his first one. - - -
Sue is three years younger than Tim. Sue is younger than Tim by three years. - - -
This box is one quarter the of that one. This box is one quarter as large as that one. - - -
This car is cheaper than that one. This car is less expensive than that one . - - -
あの部屋はこの部屋の半分の大きさだ. That room is half as large as this one. - - -
このコンピュータはあのコンピュータより、2.5倍速く動く. This computer can two and half times as fast as that one. - - -
この家は私の家よりもずっと大きい. This house is much larger than mine. - - -
この石はあの石よりも重い. THis stone is heavier than that one. - - -
この箱はあの箱の4分の1の大きさです. This box is one quarter the size of that one. - - -
この車はあの車ほど値段は高くない. This car is less expensive than that one. - - -
この車はあの車ほど値段は高くない. This car is less expensive than that one. - - -
この車はあの車より値段が安い. That car is cheaper than this one. - - -
この部屋はあの部屋の2倍の大きさだ. This room is twice as large as that one. - - -
できるだけ早く医者を呼んでくれ! Call the doctor as soon as possible! - - -
もっとよくきれるナイフを使ったらどうなの? Why don't you use a sharper knife? - - -
スーはティムより3歳年下だ. Sue is three years younger than Tim. - - -
今年はバスケットボールをもっと頑張って練習しなければならない. I have to practice basketball harder this year. - - -
医者はできるだけ急いできた. The doctor came as quickly as he could. - - -
弟は僕よりもかなり多くのTシャツを持っている. My brother has many more Tshirts than me. - - -
彼の成績は私の成績より少し良かった. His grades were a little better than mine. - - -
彼の新しい車は、私の車よりさらに大きい. His new car is even bigger than mine. - - -
彼の2作目の小説は、一作目の3倍の長さです. His second novel is three times the length of his first one. - - -
彼は実際の年齢よりずっと若く見える. He looks much younger than he really is. - - -
彼女の妹も同じくらいうまいよ. Her sister can sing just as well. - - -
彼女は私よりも英語を話すのがうまい. She can speak English better than me. - - -
私の姉は私よりたくさんのCDを持っている. My sister has more CDs than me. - - -
私の弟は、私の父と同じくらいの身長です. My brother is as tall as my father. - - -
私は、私の兄と同じくらい速く走ることができる. I can run as fast as my brother. - - -
私はあなたと同じくらいたくさんの本を持っている. I have as many books as you. - - -
私は妹ほど歌がうまくない. I don't sing as well as my sister. - - -
2倍 twice - - -
2分の1 half - - -
3倍 three times - - -
3分の1 one third - - -
4倍 four times - - -
4分の1 one quarter - - -

37 語中 1~37番目
