25 語中 1~25番目
問題 | 解答▲ | 出題数 | 習得度 | 苦手度 |
A major example of an <> animal is Ammonite.(古代生物の代表的な例はアンモナイトです) | ancient | - | - | - |
Many students took part in the <> against nuclear weapons.(多くの学生が核兵器反対のキャンペーンに参加した) | campaign | - | - | - |
The lawyer told his <> to add a signature to the contract.(弁護士は依頼人に,契約書に署名するように言った) | client | - | - | - |
This <> is for family cases.(この法廷は家庭問題を扱うところです) | court | - | - | - |
The experiment was banned because it was <> to animals.(その実験は動物にとって残酷なので禁止された) | cruel | - | - | - |
Many official <> can be read on the Internet.(公文書の多くはインターネットで読むことができます) | documents | - | - | - |
This airport is only for <> airlines.(この空港は国内線専用です) | domestic | - | - | - |
Take one <> of the medicine after every meal.(毎食後その薬を1服飲みなさい) | dose | - | - | - |
Please <> this graphical image and print it out.(このグラフィックイメージを拡大して印刷してください) | enlarge | - | - | - |
Those ships in the port are all for <> cars.(港に入っているあれらの船はすべて自動車を輸出するための船です) | exporting | - | - | - |
We should build our houses on <> ground.(私たちは固い地盤の上に家を建てるべきです) | firm | - | - | - |
Pyramids are thought to be <> of ancient kings.(ピラミッドは古代の王の墓だと考えられている) | graves | - | - | - |
The United States <> cars from Japan.(アメリカが日本から車を輸入する) | imports | - | - | - |
Find the <> screws and tighten them again.(ゆるんだネジを見つけて締め直しなさい) | loose | - | - | - |
Write your comments in the <> of the document.(その書類の余白にコメントを書いてください) | margin | - | - | - |
Watch the <> of the chemical reaction carefully.(その化学反応の進行を注意深く観察しなさい) | progress | - | - | - |
We can see many <> plants on the island.(その島では珍しい植物が見られます) | rare | - | - | - |
Increasing exports of cars <> the Japanese economy.(増加する自動車輸出が日本経済を生き返らせた) | revived | - | - | - |
There is no <> for this documentary film.(この記録映画には台本はない) | script | - | - | - |
There are several <> in this building that you are not allowed to enter.(このビルには立ち入り禁止の区域がいくつかある) | sections | - | - | - |
He took a <> at the bear with a shotgun.(彼は熊に向けて散弾銃を発射した) | shot | - | - | - |
We need your <> to complete the contract.(契約を完了させるためにあなたの署名が必要です) | signature | - | - | - |
The slope is too <> for this old car to go up.(その坂は急すぎて,この古い車では上れない) | steep | - | - | - |
The knot was so <> that no one could untie it.(その結び目はきつすぎて誰もほどくことができなかった) | tight | - | - | - |
The <> face of the monster scared the children.(その怪物の醜い顔は子供たちを怖がらせた) | ugly | - | - | - |
25 語中 1~25番目