Word List

Italian core 2000, part 1

The goal is to build a list of 2000 (not 200, but two thousand) most common words in Italian. There is an "Italian 1000" list at http://bit.ly/1pTujO, I have frequency dictionaries for Spanish and Portuguese, and other lists here at smart.fm will be of help, too.Update: with recent addition of ability to build lists up from other lists, this one is going to be build up from several Italian lists grouped by topic.In case you wonder how to type accented characters: you can do it in English layout in pretty much every OS out there. For Mac OS X see http://j.mp/9e5SCW — you should be able to type in Italian, French, Spanish and so on words in English layout as fast as English words. It is so much easier than Alt + 4 digits bullshit Windows takes you through.

912 語中 1~50番目 / 次 »

問題 解答 出題数 習得度 苦手度
the Il - - -
you (formal, singular) Lei - - -
not yet Non ancora - - -
Reason Ragione - - -
Thick Spesso - - -
to, at, in, by a - - -
cheap a buon mercato - - -
we have abbiamo - - -
a person of habit abitudinario - - -
habit abitudine - - -
to caress accarezzare - - -
to accept accettare - - -
to accompany accompagnare - - -
to accuse of accusare di - - -
acid acido - - -
farewell addio - - -
to fall asleep addormentarsi - - -
angry adirato - - -
adult adulto - - -
aerial aereo - - -
sharp affilato - - -
to add to aggiungere a - - -
sour agro - - -
cheerful allegro - - -
to breed, to bring up allevare - - -
then, in that case allora - - -
high alto - - -
other altro - - -
to lift, to raise alzare - - -
kind (loveable) amabile - - -
to love amare - - -
bitter amaro - - -
ambiguous ambiguo - - -
friendly amichevole - - -
to get sick ammalarsi - - -
ill ammalato - - -
admirable ammirabile - - -
to admire ammirare - - -
love amore - - -
also, as well, too, even anche - - -
still ancora - - -
even better ancora più bene - - -
once more ancora una volta - - -
to go andare - - -
to go home andare a casa - - -
to retire andare in pensione - - -
to bore annoiare - - -
to bore, to tire annoiare - - -
to get bored annoiarsi - - -
bored annoiato - - -

912 語中 1~50番目 / 次 »
