49 語中 1~49番目
問題 | 解答▼ | 出題数 | 習得度 | 苦手度 |
どんなお祭り? | yeah what kind of festival | - | - | - |
そうだね、子供たちを連れてフォークスビルにある新しいバード・サンクチュアリに行くつもりだよ | yeah im going to take the kids to that new bird sanctuary in forksville | - | - | - |
でも面白いんだ。 | yeah but its supposed to be funny | - | - | - |
子供たちは楽しめるかな? | will they enjoy that | - | - | - |
楽しんでくれるかな? | will they enjoy that | - | - | - |
今週末の予定は? | what are you up to this weekend | - | - | - |
カリブ海の文化や歴史を学べるんだ。 | we can learn about caribbean culture and history | - | - | - |
まれな | unusual | - | - | - |
実際的な | unromantic | - | - | - |
雑誌の批評にはブラック・コメディだと書いてあった。 | the magazine review said it was a black comedy | - | - | - |
激しい | strenuous | - | - | - |
本当に面白くなりそうだ | its supposed to be really interesting | - | - | - |
メキシコの刑務所での生活を描いている。 | its about prison life in mexico | - | - | - |
カリブのお祭りだよ | its a caribbean festival | - | - | - |
ちょっと重そうだけど | it sounds a bit heavy | - | - | - |
印象的な | impressive | - | - | - |
パパとママとお祭りに行くんだ | im going to take my mom and dad to a festival | - | - | - |
新作の「5番目の男」を観ようと思っていたんだ。 | i was planning to see that new play fifth man in line | - | - | - |
期待を表す練習 will enjoy that? | i think so its supposed to be romantic | - | - | - |
そうだね。本当にいいものだし、勉強にもなるはずだ。 | i think so its supposed to be really good and educational too | - | - | - |
そうだと思う | i think so | - | - | - |
高尚な | high brow | - | - | - |
重苦しい | heavy | - | - | - |
展示会 | exhibition | - | - | - |
教育的な | educational | - | - | - |
退屈な 面白みのない | dull | - | - | - |
週末の予定は? | any plans for the weekend | - | - | - |
週末の予定は? | any plans for the weekend | - | - | - |
素晴らしい | amazing | - | - | - |
鳥の保護区? | a bird sanctuary | - | - | - |
a | a | - | - | - |
think とsuppose の違いは何ですか。 | What is the difference between think and suppose? | - | - | - |
このボタンは警報システムを作動させるはずです。 | This button is supposed to activate the alarm system | - | - | - |
その荷物は正午までに到着するはずです。 | The package is supposed to arrive by noon | - | - | - |
彼女は明日までにそのレポートを仕上げる予定です。 | Shes supposed to finish the report by tomorrow | - | - | - |
午後8時開始だが遅れるかも | Its supposed to start at 8:00 PM but there might be delays | - | - | - |
明日は大雪になるはずです。 | Its supposed to snow heavily tomorrow | - | - | - |
雨が降る予定なので、傘を忘れないでください。 | Its supposed to rain so dont forget your umbrella | - | - | - |
今日はこの後雨が降るらしい | Its supposed to rain later today | - | - | - |
それはあなたの集中力と生産性を向上させるはずです。 | Its supposed to improve your focus and productivity | - | - | - |
元気が出るはず | Its supposed to help with your energy levels | - | - | - |
春になるにつれて温かくなるはずです。 | Its supposed to get warmer as we head into spring | - | - | - |
それはサプライズパーティーになる予定なので、内緒にしておいてください。 | Its supposed to be a surprise party so keep it quiet | - | - | - |
秘密のはずだから、誰にも言わないで | Its supposed to be a secret so dont tell anyone | - | - | - |
本当にいい映画なんだ | Its supposed to be a really good movie | - | - | - |
それは素晴らしいレストランのはずです。試してみましょう。 | Its supposed to be a great restaurant lets try it | - | - | - |
それは週の終わりまでに到着する予定です。 | Its supposed to arrive by the end of the week | - | - | - |
今日の午後、マネージャーと会う予定です。 | Im supposed to meet with the manager this afternoon | - | - | - |
フィレンツェには温泉がありますか。 | Are there any hot springs in Florence? | - | - | - |
49 語中 1~49番目