問題 |
解答▲ |
出題数 |
習得度 |
苦手度 |
僕は彼ほど背が言くない |
I'm not as/tall as him |
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お金よりむしろかかる時間を心配しているんだよ |
I'm not so much concerned about the money as about how much time it will take |
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ごめん遅刻だ。できるだけ早くきたんだけど |
I'm sorry I'm late I got here as quickly as I could |
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その映画もう見たよ |
I've already seen that movie |
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そんな明るい色を着ている君を見たことないよ |
I've never seen you wearing such bright colors |
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もし両親に見つかったら、僕死んだも同然 |
If my parents find out I'm as good as dead |
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しセロナにお越しになることがあれば、私にお電話ください |
If you are ever in Barcelon make sure you give me a call |
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最後には 新しいバイクを買うんじゃなくて古いバイクを直すことにした |
In the end I decided to repair my old bike rather than buy a new one |
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どこで以前彼女の顔を見たのかを思い出したのはそのときだった |
It was then that I remembered where I'd seen her face before |
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レストランで食べるより家で食べた方が安くあがる |
It's cheaper to eat at home than at a restaurant |
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テレビで見るより 自分でやる方がスポ ツは健康的だよ |
It's healthier to play sport than to watch it on Tv |
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暑すぎてテニスできないよ |
It's too hot to play tennis |
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ジムはルーシーと同じくらい背が高い |
Jim is as tall as Lucy |
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ジムは背が高い |
Jim is tall |
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ジムはケンより背が高い |
Jim is taller than Ken |
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ジムは3人の中で最も背が高い |
Jim is the tallest of the three |
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ケンとよんでくれればいいよ |
Just call me Ken |
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今のところはバッグを床に置いておいてね |
Just put your bags on the floor for now |
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ケンは私の上役です |
Ken is senior to me in the firm |
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なまけてる? 冗談だろ チャ リ はクラスで一番勤勉だよ |
Lazy? You must be joking Charlie is as hardworking as any student in our class |
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スポーツとか趣味とかに入れ込んでいる人は多いけど、僕はむしろ友達とふらふらしてたいな |
Lots of people are into sports or hobbies but I'd rather just hang out with my mates |
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多くの学生は授業以外ではとんど英語を話さない |
Many students hardly ever speak English outside of class |
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メアリーは蝶々を傷つけることさえしない |
Mary wouldn't so much as hurt a butterfly look at me |
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ミユキがおかしな夢を見たって言ってたけど、その3日前私も同じ夢見たの。ホントに奇妙なことだよねこの文では agoを使うことはできません。 |
Miyuki told me about her strange dream and it was really funny because I had had the same dream 3 days before |
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の比較級かあざん もっと小遣い |
Mom I need more pocket money much |
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かあさん小包たった今届いたよ |
Mom Your parcel has just arrived |
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さらに規律を厳しくすること、それがまさに我が校が求めていることだ |
More discipline is just what our school requires |
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僕の父は手術の後順調によくなっています |
My Dad is doing well after his operation |
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僕の父は商売人としちゃ町一番だけど 最悪の父親だよ good bad の最上級 |
My Dad may be the best businessman in Town but he's the worst father |
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僕のポスはなるべく早くこのレポ ト欲しがってるんだけど |
My boss needs this report as soon as possible |
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僕の兄ちゃん、僕よりクレイジ だぜ |
My brother is even crazier than me |
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僕の子は ほかの子たちより全然やんちゃじゃない |
My kids are no naughtier than most other children |
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息子は転校してからずっと、前より元気です |
My son has been happier ever since he changed school |
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誰も絶対クリスの授業じゃ寝ないんだよ。すっごく怖いから |
Nobody ever sleeps in Chris's class He's too scary |
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誰も家にいないそしたら彼、まだ仕事にちがいないわ |
Nobody home He must be still at work then |
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さて、もし僕がボスだったとしようか。そしたらみんなの給料上げるよ |
Now I were the boss I would give everyone a pay raise |
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さあ、それでは次の議題に移りましょう |
Now let's move on to the next item on the agenda |
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what would you like to do todayさあそれじゃ今日は何をやりたい |
Now then |
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もう3人ボランティアが必要だ |
O I need 3 more volunteers |
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この香水は私が今使っているものよりも全然い 香りじゃない |
O This perfume isn't any more fragrant than the one I am using now |
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いいか、落ち着けよ。できるだけ早く行くよ |
OK keep calm I'll get there as fast as I can |
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いいか、落ち着けよ。できるだけ早く行くよ as as ~ can / as as possibleできるだけ |
OK keep calm I'll get there as fast as I can |
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じゃ、決まりだよ。来週水曜日にここに全員集合 |
Okay then We'll all meet here next Wednesday |
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キャンプでは家と同じくらいよく食べたよ |
On camp I ate as well as at home |
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我が社の最新のラップトップはたった80000円しかしません |
Our latest laptop will sell at just 80000 yen |
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4番の問題はさらに難しかった |
Question 4 was even more difficult |
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彼女は僕ほどスキ が得意じゃない |
She is not as good at skiing as me |
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彼女はサラほど魅力的じゃない |
She isn't as attractive as Sarah |
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今じゃ彼女 ネイティブと同じくらい自然に話すよ |
She now speaks as naturally as a native speaker |
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彼女はまだすごく若いけど、本の起業家といえるだろう |
She's still very young yet she is a true entrepreneur |
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