Word List

英単語Target1900 801-1100例文 mao

« 前 / 300 語中 101~150番目 / 次 »

問題 解答 出題数 習得度 苦手度
(浮かんで ing) across the sky float - - -
Ken is (流暢な) in English fluent - - -
She is good at (畳む ing) clothes fold - - -
young (人々 s) are listening to music folk - - -
The art museum (禁じている s) taking pictures forbid - - -
tomorrow is (予想された ed) to be cloudy forecast - - -
the (形成) of the universe formation - - -
good chance to (はぐくむ) their students foster - - -
(いら立った d) by people's selfish behavior frustrate - - -
(実現させる) her dream fulfill - - -
Stars from other (銀河) galaxy - - -
(じっと見る) at the ocean gaze - - -
the professor was (寛大にも) enough to extended the deadline generous - - -
This bag is made from (本物の) leather genuine - - -
The (地理) of the country geography - - -
The mayer (統治した ed) our city govern - - -
(つかんだ bed) the handrail grab - - -
The children were able to (理解する) the new idea grasp - - -
I am really (感謝している) to you grateful - - -
Newton's theory of (重力) gravity - - -
(挨拶s) his neighbors greet - - -
食料雑貨店 grocery - - -
to live in their (厳しい) environment harsh - - -
The therapist has (治してきた ed) many people heal - - -
People (ためらう) to contact someone hesitate - - -
The news story (強調している s) the problems highlight - - -
ユーモア humor - - -
freedom may be an (錯覚) illusion - - -
the (免疫) system immune - - -
To (課す) greater control on immigration impose - - -
a clear (動機づけ) to study incentive - - -
Young people are (無関心) to politics indifferent - - -
global warming is (避けられない) inevitable - - -
the area of (感染症) spread the patient's body infection - - -
This wine is (劣っている) to that wine inferior - - -
He spoke in a friendly (形式ばらない) way informal - - -
The typhoon destroyed the city's (インフラ) infrastructure - - -
The court found her (無罪だと) innocent - - -
The incorrect (入力) of data input - - -
I (インストールした ed) new apps install - - -
for an (一瞬の間) instant - - -
本能 instinct - - -
not (干渉する) in politics interfere - - -
(中断させた ed) my conversation interrupt - - -
She described her (親密な) relationship with husband intimate - - -
I twisted one of my knee (関節 s) joint - - -
A trial by (陪審) is a standard practice jury - - -
(正当化した ied) her actions justify - - -
He is (熱心な) to gather information keen - - -
fence was (傾いて ing) slightly lean - - -

« 前 / 300 語中 101~150番目 / 次 »
