Word List

英単語Target1900 801-1100例文 mao

« 前 / 300 語中 151~200番目 / 次 »

問題 解答 出題数 習得度 苦手度
He (跳び下りて ed) from bed leap - - -
Other people would do (同じように) in this situation likewise - - -
(積んだ ed) his truck with camping gear load - - -
Emma (ログオンする s) on to her e-mail log - - -
People thought of suger as a (ぜいたく品) in the 1800s luxury - - -
The Earth has a (磁気の) field magnetic - - -
【主に米】 Shopping (モール) mall - - -
手動式の、(肉体労働者) laborers manual - - -
The child was regarded as (成熟している) for his age mature - - -
The (最大限) I can afford for rent maximum - - -
(機械的な) problem mechanical - - -
He has a deep interest in (中世の) history medieval - - -
The novel has the (利点) of being entertaining merit - - -
A "salad bowl" is a (隠喩/比喩) metaphor - - -
a lot of paper (工場/製粉所 s) in Shizuoka mill - - -
Waters often contains (鉱物 s) mineral - - -
A coworker had (誤解した ood) her instructions misunderstand - - -
a nice (混合) of traditional and modern mixture - - -
used to Western (方式 s) of thought mode - - -
my father take (適度な) exercise moderate - - -
He always shows a (謙虚な≒ humble)attitude modest - - -
The man (改造した ied) the car's engine modify - - -
microscopes allow us to investigate organic (分子) molecule - - -
He (据え付けた ed) his country's flag mount - - -
(相互の) respect is the key mutual - - -
We wrote a (物語) based on his life narrative - - -
her (国籍) is Japanese nationality - - -
I will (交渉する) with the client negotiate - - -
a (神経) in her finger nerve - - -
a network of (ニューロン s) neuron - - -
She always adopts a(中立の) position neutral - - -
The patient (うなずいた ded) in agreement nod - - -
She is over sixty but sings beautifully (それにもかかわらず) nonetheless - - -
The child receives (栄養) from foods nutrition - - -
30% on men are (肥満である) obese - - -
We ought to (従う) traffic rules obey - - -
an (障害) to development obstacle - - -
(占める) the lowest positions occupy - - -
She feels (楽観的な) about her future optimistic - - -
The students gave an (口頭での) report oral - - -
Satelite went into (軌道) around the earth orbit - - -
He (見落とした ed) some important facts overlook - - -
was (圧倒された ed) by the beautiful view overwhelm - - -
A (専門家の一同) of conputer experts panel - - -
She got into a (パニック) panic - - -
Cars release various gases and (粒子) particle - - -
His (情熱) for skateboarding passion - - -
Children are generally (受動的な) recievers passive - - -
The speaker (中断した d) to drink pause - - -
A (歩行者) was hit by a car pedestrian - - -

« 前 / 300 語中 151~200番目 / 次 »
