Word List

英単語Target1900 801-1100例文 mao

« 前 / 300 語中 201~250番目 / 次 »

問題 解答 出題数 習得度 苦手度
(じっと見た ed) into the distance peer - - -
He faced a heavy (刑罰) for kidnapping penalty - - -
His sadness (続いた ed) for a long time persist - - -
Foods are produced without chemical (殺虫剤) pesticide - - -
currently entering a new (局面、段階) phase - - -
(積み重ねて d) up the plates、積み重なる pile - - -
She (投げ入れた ed) wood into the fire pitch - - -
adapted to the emvironment in the (極地の) regions polar - - -
An opinion (世論調査) asks people poll - - -
(ひょいと ped) into a convenience store pop - - -
A large (部分) of the US population portion - - -
(引き起こす) a great health risk pose - - -
(注いだ ed) some tea into the cup pour - - -
Nothing is more (貴重な) than life precious - - -
(日本の)県、府 prefecture - - -
(妊娠している) women are advised not to take any medicine pregnant - - -
two (前提 s) and a conclusion premise - - -
the (特権) of the human privilege - - -
The poetry had a (重大な) impact on her life profound - - -
The new law (禁止する s) smoking in all restaurant prohibit - - -
She is a (卓越した) researcher prominent - - -
Her (迅速な) response prompt - - -
(発音する) words pronounce - - -
There is not much (見込み) that the economy will improve prospect - - -
(送り込む) oxygen into a patient's body pump - - -
was (罰せられた) for his poor behavior punish - - -
the exams (資格を与えた ied) him for a scholarship qualify - - -
He joined the (順番待ちの列) of people queue - - -
She (引用した ed) an Chinese proverb quote - - -
(急進的な) candidates radical - - -
The (比率) of patients to nurses ratio - - -
The sun's (光線 s) ray - - -
The (レシピ) for this dish recipe - - -
To (登録する) their children at day care center register - - -
(規制する) content on the internet regulate - - -
(和らげる) stress relieve - - -
make a cutting (述べる) 辛辣な意見を述べる remark - - -
(複製した d) some of its famous paintings reproduce - - -
(救った d) some companies from bankruptcy rescue - - -
To (解決する) the political conflict resolve - - -
(回復させる) the economy restore - - -
has (保持している ed) the same body strength retain - - -
Got (取り除く) of the pain in my tooth rid - - -
Egyptian sports were (儀式 s) that honored the dead ritual - - -
The (荒れた) skin on his face rough - - -
The long heavy rain (台無しにした ed) our holiday ruin - - -
People paid a large sum to maintain their (神聖な) temple sacred - - -
I gave up smoking for the (ために) of my health sake - - -
(スキャンした ed) the patient's body scan - - -
the worst (事態/筋書き) scenario - - -

« 前 / 300 語中 201~250番目 / 次 »
