Word List

英単語Target1900 801-1100例文 mao

« 前 / 300 語中 251~300番目

問題 解答 出題数 習得度 苦手度
The new housing (計画 ≒plan)is made by government action scheme - - -
Take six classes every (学期) semester - - -
He lost all (感覚) in his fingers sensation - - -
Sitting under the (日陰) of a tree shade - - -
Children can walk around in the (浅い) end of the pool shallow - - -
恥、残念なこと shame - - -
sweater (縮んだ) in the dryer shrink - - -
(きょうだい) rivalry sibling - - -
Heavy rain hit the town (同時に) with lightning simultaneously - - -
The human (骨格) skeleton - - -
(滑った ped) on ice slip - - -
music is good for the (精神) soul - - -
lengthening our life (寿命、期間) span - - -
how to spend your (余暇) time spare - - -
a sense of (精神的に) well-being spiritual - - -
The Sudan was (分割された) into two republics split - - -
Our economy is recovering at a (着実な) pace steady - - -
the (茎) and leaves of the plants stem - - -
He cannot move his arm due to a (脳卒中) stroke - - -
He (提出した ted) the paper論文 submit - - -
The village was damaged by rains and (その後の) floods subsequent - - -
(代わりに使った ed) honey for suger substitute - - -
(告訴する) for damages 損害賠償を求めて訴訟を起こす sue - - -
I had (同情) for my injured friend sympathy - - -
The child was (軽くたたいていた ping) tap - - -
Her violin performance (ぞくぞくさせた ed) the audience thrill - - -
(悲劇) struck when hurricane hit tragedy - - -
the hiking (小道) trail - - -
be a (移行) to self-driving cars transition - - -
The soldier (伝えた ted) messages transmit - - -
Tokyo spent a (莫大な、途方もない) amount of money tremendous - - -
rain (引き起こした ed) a sudden flood trigger - - -
Having long life is the (究極の) goal for people ultimate - - -
Our country (経験した went) many social changes undergo - - -
economic issue (根底にある) nogotiations underlie - - -
An (不愉快な) experience unpleasant - - -
His disease is (無関係の) to his habits unrelated - - -
Population is an (緊急の) issue urgent - - -
find an effective HIV (ワクチン) vaccine - - -
The evidence was (妥当である) valid - - -
Fans watched the Brazil (対) Italy game versus - - -
Smoking is a terrible (道徳上の悪) vice - - -
Children are taught the (美徳) of honesty from old stories virtue - - -
Power plants発電所 are (もろい) to hacking vulnerable - - -
(歩き回った ed) around the city wander - - -
Prince william (結婚した) Catherine wed - - -
explore the Alaskan (荒野) wilderness - - -
people entering the (労働人口) workforce - - -
His old (銃弾、刃物による傷) still ache wound - - -
(負ける) to temptation 誘惑に負ける yield - - -

« 前 / 300 語中 251~300番目
